Community Strategic Plan [CSP] - OUR INNER WEST 2036

    Mindil Beach Sunset Market         On-line Council       Aquascene           Darwin Skycity      Eurofighter     Darwin DDE Museum 
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Home | A: Exec Sum | B: Our Inner West | C: Our Approach | D: Current Emissions | E: Key Areas Focus | Ea: Community Emis | Eb: Council Emis | F: Implementation  

Fri 15 Nov 2019						Recipient: 61C3xxxx
REF: IWCCAM1t						Y/R: Mtg 14:00 H 2019-11-14

ZIG/ZAG 	UNB - European Commission [EC] "Blockchains for Social Good" [BSG] 

Hi Helen					cc	Attendees


Thank you very much for organising the Inner West Council [IWC] contacts for the meeting 
with the "Petersham Park Waste Collective [PPWC]" so we could understand how to work 
with Council on its very ambitious Sustainability and recycling strategies

We really appreciated the background to implementing the "Climate + Renewables 
Strategy [CRS] (On-line here)", the "Economic Development Strategic Plan [EDSP] (On-
line here)" and the "Community Strategy Plan [CSP] 2036" so local communities like 
"PPWC" can work with Council to ensure that all the objectives are met in the interests of 
the rate-payers

The reasons for placing documents On-line rather than as PDF or Word files include:

1  It is far quicker to read hence all Federal and State Laws are On-line at Austlii 

2  each web-page can be sponsored by local businesses and council operations

3  a document and a part of a document can be easily referenced in other documents

4  download costs and time are minimised

5  disk storage costs are minimised

6  documents can be automatically email and filed particularly for non-computer aware residents

The draft minutes for that meeting will be On-line Mon 18 Nov 2019 with links to local Inner 
West Council Business organisations as examples of local business sponsorship

The signed hard copy summary report to Ian NAYLOR, John WHELAN and yourself outlined are a 
number of Civic Governance issues that should be reviewed if the Local Communities are going 
to work with Council to achieve the CSP 2036 objectives

As the IWC Council has announced a 2020 "Community Leaders in Sustainability" course
with applications due on Fri 06 Dec 2019

This course involves training 20 Volunteers spending 34-hrs over 10 weeks from 03 May 
2020-05 May 2020 while they learn how to identify and manage suitable projects

The free 'Community Leaders in Sustainability' course provides you with training in:

	"	project management
	"	building partnerships
	"	leadership skills
	"	environment and sustainability.

This is a large commitment in time by Volunteers before the actual task of finding a 
suitable project and developing a project team starts

Once the project team has been assembled then "Project Management" which involves 
planning meetings with agendas and presentations and action items 

Hence this is why after the Home Business Consultation on Thu 17 Oct 2019 John 
WHELAN was referred to the 1993 Report on Group Support Systems [GSS] by the Uni 
of Arizona "Lessons from a Dozen Years of Group Support Systems Research" 

"This was a study by the University of Arizona into 4,000 projects over 12 years with 
the following conclusions

	Table 1. Lessons learned about GSS in organizations

1  GSS technology does not replace leadership.

2  GSS technology does not imply any particular leadership style.

3  GSS can make a well planned meeting better; and it can make a poorly planned meeting worse.

4  Individuals must have incentive to contribute to group effort.

5  GSS can reduce labor costs by more than 50% and project time by up to 90%"

This document was provided to John as support for Local Community Particpation Credits for 
the various meetings and committees he organises

However as John suggested we set up a "Currency Exchange System like a crypto-currency" it 
indicates that further explanation is required

At the 1996 AGM OIC members unanimously agreed to an ecredits process for event and 
project participation

"The time and contributions by each member and its representatives are to be recorded as 
Intellectual Property Assets of the OIC and each member representative and their 
organisation are to accumulate Credits for participation and contributions to raising 
awareness of EIT issues"

OIC members held monthly and quarterly events between 1994 - 2006 and established 
over 20 Special Interest Groups with an event accreditation process

In 1997 senior members of the OIC including Commonwealth Bank, AIDC, Optus, 
Ourworld Global Network [OGN] and Halisa NSW Partnership sponsored the development 
of Electronic Association Information Management [EAIM] with 3 modules:

1	Electronic Committee Information Management [ECIM]

2	Electronic Committee Information Management [EEIM]

3	Electronic Member Information Management [EMIM]

In 2000 the Federal Government Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small
Business [DEWRSB] joined the OIC XML Special Interest Group

In 2001 DEWRSB then commissioned the OIC Local Government Special Interest Group 
[LZIG] to conduct a series of 3 On-line surveys with 173 Local Government Agencies.

"conducting a survey which addresses the relevance of XML in the adoption 
of On Line Service Delivery by Local Government Agencies in NSW"

This committee participation process was implemented between 2000-2002 with "ebXML

In 2005 OIC Community members developed a Junior Sports Information System [JSIS] 
for junior team sport players to earn local community credits for team responsibilities and 
updating the team web-site

In 2010 OIC Community members developed the ePedal-Power Local Community credits 
system for our youth to earn local community credits by riding bikes in racks to generate 
electricity for schools, hospitals and aged care homes

However during the course of accruing Local Community credits it became necessary for 
some junior members to be able to spend them in local shops hence part of creating jobs 
and economic development

This is where it requires an organisation like the Local Council to overseas what the 
value of a Local Community credit is worth to the community particularly for Rate-
payers to get involved with Community issues

In the same way that the Crown Plaza Group around the world said to their guests "Pedal 
for 15 minutes and we will give you a free meal" the Local Council will have to determine
the work value of a Local Community Credit

Older Rate-payers will participate and support the Council if it will reduce their Rates in 
some way

Many retired Rate-payers (especially retired school-teachers and nurses) may be prepared 
to help report on smelly dog-poo bins to have them changed or cleaned now that we know 
there is a reporting process in place on the web-site

Mandy SMITH's presentation on the Parks was excellent particularly the mapping out of 
269 parks with their 10-year plans

The PPWC all look forward to working with her on the Petersham Park Plan in 2020


Please thank all the attendees for their time and interest in their busy schedules

Could the PPWC set up a Working Group with John WHELAN to evaluate how these Local 
Community Credits could work as part of the Economic Development Strategy?


Stephen GOULD
Projects Co-ordinator

B: PO Box 517  NEUTRAL BAY 2089
M: 0416-009-468

	D	Key Documents

	D4	2019-08-18 Submission to Inner West Council for Waste Management Joint-Venture

	D3	2012-01-11 p10 YEF "Local Goverment plays the central role in litter and waste management"

	D2	2012-01-11 p6 YEF "Populations, Dogs and Parks"

	D1	2012-01-11 Frontpage YEF "Closing the Poop Loop" Project Proposal

	R	References

	R6	2019-01-19 Adelaide Advertiser: Compensation paid to Slave Owners 1835 - 2015 (180 yrs)

	R5	2003-2014 Dr Duncan Ironmonger Value of Volunteers for 4 States

	R4	2014-11-07 IBM "Blockchain" solution for the Diamond Industry Video

	R3	1997 Lessons from a Dozen Years of Group Support Systems Research - 4,000 IBM projects

	R2	Sir Evelyn de Rothschild - Director De Beers 1977-1994 & IBM UK 1972-1995

	R1	1987-04-23 RUBAC Automatic eProcess Synchronisation Video

Home | A: Exec Sum | B: Our Inner West | C: Our Approach | D: Current Emissions | E: Key Areas Focus | Ea: Community Emis | Eb: Council Emis | F: Implementation  
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