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Mon 16 Mar 2009				Recipient:6123nsa1
REF:EACACGN1				Y/R: 2020 Vision Strategy Mtg 2009/03/06

TO:	Penny HOLLOWAY		cc	North Sydney Councillors
	General Manager			Shorelink Parents

Dear General Manager


Following the North Sydney Council 2020 Vision meeting Fri 06 Mar 2009, 
please find attached the Diagram feed-back submission from the 
Sustainability Action Network [SAN].

This submission has been prepared quickly to enable it to be copied to 
the attendees at least 2 weeks before the next meeting scheduled for 
Fri 03 Apr 2009.

We have reviewed the documents provided by Council and the proposal that
the Stanton Library becomes the Information Hub of a Virtual Town Hall"
Ref "Our Charter P2).

We concur with this Vision but only if the Information Technology and 
skills are retained locally and not outsourced to an overseas company 
as stated in the last minutes of the Shorelink Library Network 03 Feb 2009.


We look forward to discussing this submission further at the second North 
Sydney 2020 Vision Strategy feed-back meeting on Fri 03 Apr 2009

Yours sincerely

Official Agent					M:	0416-009-468


1	Background to Feed-back Submission
2	Management Summary
3	Structure of SAN Feed-back Submission
A	Reference Models
B	Legislation
C	Communications & Information Technology [CIT] Standards
D	Feedback on Council Directions
	A(1)	Environmental Sustainability	
		1 	Use Web pages rather than PDF Files
		2	Use Standard On-line form formats (Complex address AS4590)
		3	Environment Reductions
	D(4)	North Sydney Central Business District
		1	Local Community Credits System
		2	Building Clusters Sponsor Local Community Initiatives
	C(3)	Transport and Parking
		1	Rate-Payer Card
		2	North Sydney Council Local Bus Service
		3	On-line Local Bus Timetables 
		4	Community Bike Hubs and eCards
	H(8)	Local Infrastructure
		1 	Establish Precinct Infrastructure Networks
		2	Allocate Precincts Budgets like Body Corporates  
	E(5)	Open Space & Recreation
		1 	Effective Child Protection System
		2	Effective Complaints Process
		3	eVolunteer Benefits System
	B(2)	Neighbourhood & Streetscapes
		1	Local Information Hubs
		2	Better Communications capabilities
	F(6)	A Sense of Community
		1	Local Volunteer Credits System
		2	On-line Complaints Process
	G(7)	Community Services & Facilities
		1	Local Transport Service
		2	Volunteers taking people to events/places
	 I(9)	Governance & Organisation
		1	Use Web pages rather than PDF Files
		2	Use Standard On-line form formats (Complex address AS4590)
		3	Volunteer eCredits System 
	J(10)	Finance
		1 	Understand and Implement Electronic Transaction Act [ETA]
		2 	Precincts develop eCommunity Initiatives 


This Submission to North Sydney Council on the 2020 Vision (Strategic Plan) is 
from the Sustainability Action Network [SAN].

Three of the members registered as Candidates for Mosman Municipal Council in 
the recent Local Government Election.  

Peter AXTENS LLB is the authorised Official Agent for SAN Candidates.


This submission by the Sustainability Action Network [SAN] provides a number 
of proposals for each of the 10 Directions identified by North Sydney Council.

As stated in the meeting on Fri 06 Mar 2009 there appears to be little reference 
in the 2020 Vision Strategy of the use of "Communications & Information 
Technology [CIT]" equipment and software.

Each of the SAN proposals identifies the benefits of effective "Communications 
& Information Technology [CIT]" for consideration and discussion at the next
meeting Fri 03 Apr 2009.

This submission has been designed in accordance with the Document Structure 
Guidelines established by the "Open Interchange Consortium [OIC]" to enable 
word-processed or typed documents to be converted to easy-to-reference 
(structured) electronic web-pages.

The use of structured web pages has been promoted by the "Organisation for 
the Advancement of Structured Information Standards [OASIS]" for the last 
10 years

A classic example of structured Information is the Bible eg Genesis:6:5 
(The Book:The Chapter:The Verse).

This is relevant to the North Sydney 2020 Vision (Strategic Plan) in that 
there are 10 Directions currently listed

	A	(1)	Environmental Sustainability		
	B	(2)	Neighbourhood & Streetscapes
	C	(3)	Transport and Parking
	D	(4)	North Sydney Central Business District
	E	(5)	Open Space & Recreation
	F	(6)	A Sense of Community
	G	(7)	Community Services & Facilities
	H	(8)	Local Infrastructure
	I	(9)	Governance & Organisation
	J	(10)	Finance

Each Direction has the same structure with a Symbol for:

	1	Direction
	2	Guiding Principles
	3	Long Term Goals
	4	Targets
	5	Core Performance Areas

Each 2:Guiding Principle, 3:Long Term Goal and 4:Target can be allocated an 
alpha code as a reference similar to those already allocated for 5:Core 
Performance Areas

An example is F(6)	A Sense of Community


Although there were numerous references to: 

a	"public education campaigns" (A4h, C4c, F4a, G4i, I4g), 

b	"Public Surveys" (A4s, B4b, C4i, D4c, E4d, F4o, G4c, H4b, I4e)

c	"Audits" (A4b, A4n, B4e, C4j, D4m, E4i, F4g, G4a, H4c, I4a, J4h)

we were unable to find any reference to a "Communications & Information 
Technology [CIT]" Infrastructure to assist Council record, manage and report 
on progress with the 2020 Vision Directions.

As other Councils have recorded "Communications & Information Technology" [CIT] 
as part of the "Governance" Direction we have included our questions as part of 
that Direction.

It may be helpful to provide some examples of CIT Reference Models

1	1993	NSW State Government - Virtual Government
		"Inventing the Australian Model of Government"

2	2000	NSW 9 Council Syndicate Tender
		"Standard Name & Address Format"

3	2001	Dep Employment Workplace Relations and Small Business [DEWRSB] 
		"Local Community Information Network"	

4	2001 	National Office for the Information Economy [NOIE]
		"On-line Standards Essential"
5	2004	Woking Council
		"81 Decentralised Energy Systems"
6	2005 	OIC CZAG Junior Sports team "Leadership Development and Responsibility 
		Practice" local business team sponsorship 

7	2006	Rio Tinto WA Future Fund 
		"Volunteer Management Scheme"

8	2007 	Kids Safe-at-Sport Network [KSAS-Au] "Sport/Community
		Club Compliance Parent Information System"
All these Models use "Communications & Information Technology [CIT]" to achieve
their objectives


1	1999	Federal Electronic Transaction Act

2	2000	NSW Electronic Transaction Act

3	2006	Letter from the Hon Jennifer RANKINE MP Minister for Volunteers SA 
		on "the importance of Electronic Transaction Acts for future economic
		and social prosperity of Australia"


1	1987	International eTrade Standard - ISO 9375 UN/EDIFACT

2	1994	Australian eTrade Standard - AS4590

3	2001	NOIE "On-line Standards Essential"
4	2006	Experts agree complex address AS4590 only
5	2007	Experts agree Standard formats CIT Applications
6	2007	Bankstown Council Standard N&A tender


The Feed-back is in the order that is on the Form provided by North Sydney Council 
[attachment D1]"

Row 1
A	(1)	Environmental Sustainability		
D	(4)	North Sydney Central Business District
C	(3)	Transport and Parking

Row 2
H	(8)	Local Infrastructure
E	(5)	Open Space & Recreation
B	(2)	Neighbourhood & Streetscapes
F	(6)	A Sense of Community

Row 3
G	(7)	Community Services & Facilities
I	(9)	Governance & Organisation
J	(10)	Finance

A(1)	Environmental Sustainability

There are 3 proposals for "Environmental Sustainability":

1 	Use Web pages rather than PDF Files
2	Use Standard On-line form formats (Complex address AS4590)

1	Use Web pages rather than PDF Files

As Council provides all its forms as PDF documents the following process
takes place for anyone registering a form with Council:

a	PDF form downloaded from Council system to local system 
	(communication cost)

b	Form printed out at end-user local system 
	(paper & ink cost)

c	Form hand-written and completed 
	(ink & time)

d	Form faxed back to Council 
	(Communication cost by user, paper and ink cost for Council)

e	Council staff then re-input information from faxed form 
	into Council Computer System 
	(Council employee cost)

f	Check form for input errors 

g	Print out Computer form for Council department to action 
	(Council Paper and Ink costs)

h	Council posts copy back to Applicant to confirm details and 
	allocate follow-up number (Postage costs)

If web-forms are used rather than PDF forms the Sustainability reductions

1 	Less Electricity usage by users

2 	Less Computer usage to review Council documents

3 	Less Communication costs

4 	Less paper usage by End-users and Council

5 	Less printer ink by Council and End-user

6 	Less Time required by Council and End-User

7 	Input errors can only be made by End-user not Council

2	Use Standard On-line form formats (Complex address AS4590)

In 2006 it was agreed by attendees at the OASIS Annual Conference in Sydney 
that the "Communications & Information Technology [CIT]" industries had
engaged in "Unconscionable Conduct".

The "Unconscionable Conduct included ensuring that the Australian AS4590 
and the UN/EDIFACT Standard ISO 9375 had two different address formats 
in the same eTrade standards"

An International committee of Management Consultants and Information 
Technology consultants confirmed that the complex address version of AS4590 
should always be used as the address format for PDF forms and web forms.

As at Sat 14 Mar 2009, North Sydney Council has 33 PDF forms in 6 Categories
with different Name and Address formats.

As at Sat 14 Mar 2009, Mosman Council has 76 PDF forms in 14 Categories 
with 6 different Name and Address formats.

These forms should have a standard name and address format that complies
with the complex address version of AS 4590 namely:

A	Name

	a	Title
	b	First Name				
	c	Preferred Name
	d	Second Name				
	e	Third Name
	f	Family Name
	g	Awards eg OAM
	h	Degrees eg BSc

B	Physical Address

	a	Room/Unit
	b	Floor
	c	Building	
	d	Estate/Business Park
	e	Street Number
	f	Street
	g	Suburb
	h	Postcode
	i	State
	j	Country

C	Postal Address

	a	Post Office Box
	b	Post Office
	c	Suburb
	d	Postcode
	e	State	
	f	Country

If the Complex Address format of AS4590 is always used then the 
Sustainability reductions include:

3	A(1) Environment Reductions

1	A standard profile can be provided for each person to register 
	electronically for any event or complete any government document

2	The CIT Industries will NOT be able to charge for checking and 
	converting web-form formats

3 	There will be considerable costs saving for Council as there will be a 
	standard format that can be used for any future form/web-page design

D(4)	North Sydney Central Business District

There are 2 proposals for "North Sydney Central Business District"

1	Local Community Credits System
2	Building Clusters to Sponsor Local Community Initiatives

1	Local Community Credits System

It is proposed that there is a Local North Sydney Community Credits 
System whereby Companies that operate in the North Sydney CBD 
can sponsor local Community Initiatives.

This could be managed/supervised/co-ordinated by the North Sydney 
Chamber of Commerce

2	Building Clusters Sponsor Local Community Initiatives

North Sydney Buildings (eg 275 Alfred Street) or Building Clusters 
(eg even numbers side Blues Point Road) could sponsor local Community
Initiatives by supporting the Local Community Credits System.

These initiatives could be similar to the Woking Council Climate Change 
Strategy where there are 81 Decentralised Energy Systems in the town of 

These Decentralised Energy Systems are Combined Heat & Power local area 
networks (Ref A/5) 

C(3)	Transport and Parking

There are 4 proposals for "Transport & Parking"

1	Rate-Payer Card
2	North Sydney Council Local Bus Service
3	On-line Local Bus Timetables 
4	Community Bike Hubs and eCards

1	Rate-Payer Card

When the rates are paid the Rate-payer receives a number of Local 
Community credits on the Rate-payer Card which will entitle the 
rate-payer to a number of Community Credits eg:

a	Free parking outside their property
b	Free Travel on the Local Community Bus
c	Free use of a Local Community Bike

2	North Sydney Council Local Bus Service

North Sydney Council set up a local Bus Service similar to the Mosman 
"Rider" and the Manly Local Bus Service.

It is proposed that the bus would operate every 30 minutes and run from 
07:00 to 23:00.

This could bring employment for at least 10 people - local bus drivers, 
maintenance, cleaning etc.

3	On-line Local Bus Timetables

People are much more likely to use Bus/Train/Ferry transport if there 
is a very simple and quick way to find out when local transport 
operates particularly buses outside of peak hour.

If Restaurants, RSLs, Pubs and Clubs could uses one of their Flat 
Plasma screens to link into the local transport timetables then people
are likely to use Public Transport more frequently

4	Community Bike Hubs and eCards

Establish a number of Bike Hubs whereby a bike can be released when a 
rate-payer card is used.

This will also provide work for youth in fixing and maintaining the bikes.

Youth can earn credits for their Community Card by working out at the Gym 
or School on equipment that generates electricity that can be fed back 
into the local grid or provide electricity for one of the decentralised 
energy systems.

In 2008 in Tel Aviv Israel, Pedal Power generated enough electricity to
power a rock concert for 6 hours

H(8)	Local Infrastructure

There are two proposals for "Local Infrastructure"

1	Establish Precinct Infrastructure Networks
2	Allocate Precinct Budgets like Body Corporates  

1	Establish Precinct Infrastructure Networks

Extend the scope of the Precinct Responsibilities to include reports on 
the local infrastructure eg problems with Drains and Sewerage

Many of the Precinct members will have the technical and management skills 
as well as the computer skills to co-opt a number of local businesses/youth 
to assist with the Infrastructure problems.

The Youth would be able to earn Local Community Credits that could be spent 
in Local shops or on travel and housing

2	Allocate Precinct Budgets like Body Corporates 
The proposal is to develop the Precincts as local community authorities as 
part of the Decentralised Energy Systems structure developed by Woking 

It is very important that these Precinct Committees have rotating chair
people and secretaries so that the youth can learn the management and 
people skills for Best Practice Committee management

E(5)	Open Space & Recreation

There are 3 proposals for "Open Space & Recreation"

1	Effective Child Protection System
2	Effective Complaints Process
3	eVolunteer Benefits System

1	Effective Child Protection System

Some members of the SAN network have been involved with developing an
effective Child-Protection System for all Junior Sports Clubs.

This system is based on a "Junior Sports Information System [JSIS]" that
was developed to provide funding from local businesses to sponsor each 
Junior Sports TEAM and well as Junior Sports Clubs (Ref A/6).

It was developed as a joint-venture with a junior football team and is 
based on an On-line registration process with a standard eRegistration 
profile for each player.

The "Kids Safe-at-Sport Network [KSAS-Au]" System was developed to enable 
Parents to confirm that both their own Sports team and AWAY Sports Team 
had complied with the NSW Child Protection [CP] Legislation and completed 
the CP checks required by the Legislation (Ref A/8).

2	Effective Complaints Process

One of the real Community problems at the moment is that there are no 
effective Complaints processes.

Information Technologies provide the solution to an effective Complaints 
process be it either for a Child Protection complaint, a broken 
flagstone or a dangerous tree branch.

This effective eComplaints process could be based on the Precinct
Model or the Distributed Energy System model developed by Woking Council

3	eVolunteer Benefits System

This proposal is based on the Rio Tinto WA Future Fund Volunteer Management
Scheme [RTVMS].

In the proposed eLocal Volunteer Information System [eLVIS] each person who 
volunteers for any jobs or function is awarded up to 8 different eVolunteer 
Benefits Credits.

These Credits are

1	Accommodation			2	Clothing/Merchandise
2	Entertainment			4	Health
3	Learning			6	Nourishment
4	Personal			8	Travel

These Local Community Credits can be used in Local Stores

B(2)	Neighbourhood & Streetscapes

There are 2 proposals for "Neighbourhood & Streetscapes"

1	Local Information Hubs
2	Better Communications capabilities

1	Local Information Hubs

This proposal builds on the Woking Council Decentralised Energy System whereby 
there are Local Information Hubs which not only monitor the Combined Cooling, 
Heating and Energy consumption but also enable local residents to review their
eCommunity Credits.

It is envisaged that people working out at the Gym and school children using
the School Pedal power electricity generators can review what Community 
Credits they have earned and allocate them to the more needy if required.

2	Better Communications capabilities

If Council uses the proper Communications & Information Technology [CIT] 
standards this will enable far better communication processes at a minimal 
cost to rate-payers.

F(6)	A Sense of Community

There are 2 proposals for "A Sense of Community"

1	Local Volunteer Credits
2 	On-line Complaints Process

1	Local Volunteer Credits System

In 1996 at the Annual General Meeting [AGM] of the Open Interchange Consortium 
[OIC] members unanimously voted for the development of a "Volunteer Credits 
System as a Community Asset in the Information Age".

In Sep 2000 a 60-page Expression of Interest [EOI] from a Syndicate of 9 NSW
Councils (Blacktown, Lake Macquarie, Hornsby, Parramatta, Wyong, Randwick, 
Ku-ring-gai, Rockdale and Hurstville) included a requirement for a Volunteer 
Management System.
In 2004 the Rio Tinto WA Future Fund sponsored the Rio Tinto Volunteer Management
 Scheme [RTVMS] with Western Australia Department of Sports & Recreation and 
Mundaring Council

In 2006 there was a joint venture between Pittwater RSL Football Club and the
Community Special Interest Group [CZAG] of the Open Interchange Consortium [OIC] 
to develop a Volunteer Information Management System [VIMS] for the Parents who
volunteered for any positions in a Junior Football Club

VIMS recorded the hours that each Parent was likely to contribute as a Volunteer 
for that Junior Football Club.

In 2008 Narrabeen Football Club also recorded the likely time Parents would 
contribute as a Volunteer.

The basis of the OIC CZAG VIMS is to provide local Community Credits which will 
be accepted by Local Businesses.

2	On-line Complaints Process

The "Junior Sports Information Service [JSIS]" was developed as a "Leadership 
Development and Responsibility Practice" application enable junior players to 
develop match report writing and regular information up-dates at School during 
the week.

It also had functions to allow both Parents and Children to register Complaints 
in a very simple complaint eProcess.

These Complaints are reviewed by an independent local body such as the 
Child/Parent Local Precinct Network.

G(7)	Community Services & Facilities

There are two proposals for "Community Services & Facilities"

1	Local Transport Service
2	Volunteers taking people to events/places

1	Local Transport Service

This is a local Community Bus that will have a North Sydney Route only and will 
enable the Aged to be collected and dropped at the local shops, clubs and pubs

2	Volunteers taking people to events/places

This proposal is that the Precincts can roster people to collect and look after 
People on the Local Community buses.

I(9)	Governance & Organisation

There are 3 proposal for "Governance & Organisation"

1	Use Web pages rather than PDF Files
2	Use Standard On-line form formats (Complex address AS4590)
3	Volunteer eCredits System 

1	Use Web pages rather than PDF Files

Refer to A/1 (page7) in this document

2	Use Standard On-line form formats (Complex address AS4590)

Refer to A/2 (page 8) in this document

3	Volunteer eCredits System

Refer to E/2 (page 12) & F/1 (page 14) in this document

J(10)	Finance

There are 2 proposals for the "Finance" Direction

1	Understand and Implement Electronic Transaction Act [ETA]
2	Precincts develop eCommunity Initiatives 

1	Understand and Implement Electronic Transaction Act [ETA]

Currently only the Federal Government and State Government are receiving
the financial benefits of the NSW Electronic Transaction Act 2000.

As the 2006 letter from the Hon Jennifer RANKINE MP Minister for Volunteers 

"the Electronic Transaction Act 2000 provides the regulatory framework

a)	recognises the importance of the information economy to the future 
	economic and social prosperity of Australia

b)	facilitates the use of electronic transactions

c)	promotes business and consumer confidence in the use of electronic 

d)	enables business and the community to use electronic communications 
	in their dealings with Government"

These proposals submitted by the Sustainability Action Network are designed
to enable the North Sydney Community to benefit from the NSW Electronic
Transaction Act 2000

2	Precincts develop eCommunity Initiatives

Each Precinct will have a number of Initiatives that will generate revenue 
for the Precinct to offset the Infrastructure costs


Some of the responses on Council Economics can be reviewed on
"Residents' Issues of Concern"

The Background to the 3 Mosman Candidates from the "Sustainability 
Action Network [SAN]" can be reviewed on here


The Australian Spam Act 2003 was reviewed in detail at the OIC
seminar on 26 May 2005

The Australian Spam Act 2003 refers to Spam as "unsolicited
commercial emails".   

Emails in the Public Interest such as this email are not classified 
as "unsolicited commercial emails" hence do not require an 
unsubscribe  option.

None of the email addresses were purchased and were collected 
according to the proper processes outlined in the Australian Spam 
Act 2003.

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Revised: S: 13:57 Sat 2004/10/23 Syd 2065
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