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A-EHL	Extensive high level leadership experience in a Project Management Office 
	(PMO), managing a variety of multi-disciplinary programs and projects using 
	established project management methodologies/processes

I have extensive high level experience in Project Management dating back to my days 
at Burroughs Computers UK in the 1970s and planning Computer Installations.

These Computer Implementations included:

1	Specifying the details for business applications
2	Obtaining agreement on business application specifications
3	Organising software houses to write and test software
4	Planning the computer installation with air-conditioning and dedicated power systems
5	Arranging training programs for the Managers and Operations staff
6	Agreeing timetables for regular progress meetings with agendas, reports and action plans 

Due to these early experiences with the Project Management with various sub-contractors and 
customers internal departments I recognised in the 1980s, when I was appointed Director of 
Office Automation for Burroughs Australia, that Office Automation with email and word-processing 
and spreadsheet templates could have significant management impact on project timetables 
and costs

After I left Burroughs to established my own Office Automation Consultancy I advised a number of 
organisations including:

1	QBE Insurance on a Branch Automation strategy

2	Data General on developing a Branch Automation Strategy for the Financial Services 
	Industry in 1984/1985

3	WICAT Australia on how Computer based Training [CBT] was an integrated aspect for 
	on-going learning in complex business environments where Computerised Systems are 
	the framework such as now is the case in Education

Part of the Consultancy involved research in how to codify Project Management processes 
during Electronic Information Interchange [EII] communication

This EII Methodology called the Rational Universal Business Automation Code [RUBAC] 
received over 15 letters of support from European Organisations involved in a new methodology 
called Electronic Data Interchange [EDI]

A key project part of the Project Management research was carried out with Hampton School 
in the UK in 1988 and 1990 "Development Site RUBAC/Project Management Coding"
This research with Hampton School may be very applicable to the project management 
requirements of the NSW Department of Education and the Communities 

Between 1991-1993 I worked in Europe for 2 years on a number of projects including 
"European Customs EDI Computerisation" and the European Aerospace Association [ACEMA] 
Eurofighter project which involved 450 Sub-contactors in 4 Countries

ACEMA had specified an Organisation Chart for all Aerospace projects called the 
"Aerospace Functional Framework Collaborative Programme Environment" which was used 
for all the AECMA Collaborative projects

On my return to Australia, a number of Consultants including myself as the Secretary, 
formed the Open Interchange Consortium [OIC] to raise awareness of the potential of 
eBusiness and eProject Management for Large, Medium and Small Organisations

Foundation members of the OIC included Commonwealth Bank, Ourworld Global Network 
[OGN], the Australian Industrial Development Corporation [AIDC] and Optus

On 23 Aug 1996 14 OIC Foundation Members met to use "Group System Support [GSS]" to 
finalise the Mission, Objectives and "Raison d'etre" for OIC Membership (More later
on GSS and its significance for Project Management)

I was the Information Architect for the OIC Website and Project Manager and obtained 
financial sponsorship from the key stakeholders including Commonwealth Bank, AIDC, 
Optus and Ourworld Global Network [OGN] to develop Electronic Association Information 
Management [EAIM]

EAIM was developed as an On-line System for:

1	Electronic Committee Information Management [ECIM]

2	Electronic Event Information Management [EEIM]

3	Electronic Membership Information Management [EMIM]

In 1997 the Y2K issue was looming as a challenge for a number of SMEs and one of the 
OIC members "The Business Management Trust" sponsored the Development of an On-line Y2K 
Remediation Process

This project was called OIC Y2K Resource Asset Management Program [OICY2KRAMP]

In 1999  the King of Sweden awarded OICY2KRAMP the 1st prize in the "IT for 
SME" Category of the Global Bangemann Challenge

OICY2KRAMP was designed so that after the Y2K issue it would manage all company assets
On-line similar to products a number of Cloud Computing companies now offer

A key issue for member membership was to provide members with Projects and resources
to respond to tenders as Consortium members

Hence in 1999 OIC members including Sun Microsystems and CSC Australia financially sponsored 
a project called the "OIC Online Tender Information Management System [TIMS]" which was
managed using the RUBAC Project Management Methodology    

TIMS published over 18,900 Federal, State and Local Government project tenders between 
2000-2007 for OIC members whereby it was recognised that the tender was just an initial 
stage in a Project Lifecycle

In 2000 Sun Microsystems as an OIC member sponsored the "OIC XML and E-commerce
Special Interest Group [XZIG]"
In 2001 the Federal Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business 
[DEWRSB] joined the OIC and commissioned a work group to develop and conduct an On-line 
Survey of 173 NSW Local Government Agencies which "addresses the relevance of XML in 
the adoption of On Line Service Delivery by Local Government Agencies in NSW".

I was the named Consultant to develop and implement the Online System for that contract 
From 2000 - 2002 I was the OIC Representative on ebXML Australia

In 2004 I was invited by the Senate Committee established to review the Australia-United 
States Free Trade Agreement [Aus-USA FTA] to provide "Expert Evidence" on "Chapter 15:
Government Procurement" and "Chapter 16:Electronic Commerce"

In 2006 the "Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards [OASIS]" 
invited me to speak at their 1st Conference in Australia on the Topic "XML in the 
Government Tender Process"

Over the years I kept up-to-date with different Project Management methodologies 

1	PMBOK - Project Management Book Of Knowledge
2	PRINCE2 - Projects IN a Controlled Environment 
3	Agile Project Management
4	Microsoft Project
5	Group Systems Support [GSS]
6	RUBAC Project Management

However it was only when I attended a PMBOK Course to obtain a Project Management in 
2012 that I discovered the University of Arizona research in Group Systems Support [GSS] 
"Lessons learned in a Dozen Years in Group Systems Support Research"

The University of Arizona Report of over 4,000 projects reached the a number of similar 
conclusions to the Research into RUBAC EII Project Mgt Methodology including:

>Table 1. Lessons learned about GSS in organizations
>1	GSS technology does not replace leadership.
>2	GSS technology does not imply any particular leadership style.
>3	GSS can make a well planned meeting better; and it can make a poorly 
>	planned meeting worse.
>4	Individuals must have incentive to contribute to group effort  
>5	GSS can reduce labor costs by more than 50% and project time up to 90% 

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