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A Accuracy of Information
B Accuracy Coding structures
C Continuity of Service
D Regularity of service
E Changes to terms and conditions

A Accuracy of "The Digital Economy" and "Well-being" Information

a	The reviews of progress with "The Digital Economy" is based on Information 
	provided by Government Web-sites.

	"Through participating in the digital economy Australia can boost its 
	productivity, global competitiveness and social well-being".

	This information may change as the progress with "The Digital Economy" 
	accelerates between 2011 to 2020

b	The Sustainability Action Network [SAN] is reviewing the Economic
	Models of Wellbeing as listed in the Herald/Age Lateral Economics [HALE] 
	"Australian Index of Wellbeing [AIW]" Report published Dec 2011

c	The Information provided is copied from the Reports and Websites
	and where possible the Source References that are listed have been
	located as Online References

d	These References may not be the appropriate References referred to 
	in the Reports and require checking by readers 

B Accuracy of Coding Structure

a	Every effort is made to ensure that the coding structure is consistent
	for each Domain to facilitate fast access between the different

b	The codes are designed to provide management metrics and assist with 
	management and resource planning.

C Continuity of Service

a	It is envisaged that the Indicators for each Domain will provide
	monthly, quarterly and annual statistics as a Measurement of Wellbeing

b	Without knowing the business transaction details of the organisations 
	which supply the Wellbeing information the Continuity of Service may be 
	interrupt and cannot be guaranteed.

c	The SAN and its members cannot accept responsibility for Continuity of 

D Regularity of service

a	It is envisaged that this may become a daily service of Wellbeing 
	Information updates																																																																																																																							

E Changes to terms, conditions, codes and operation

a	The terms and conditions of this information service can change without 

b	As the sophistication of providing this information service develops 
	to meet both management and subscriber demands, the method of operation
	and changes to terms and conditions may occur without notice.  

c	Every effort will be made to inform subscribers of the changes when 
	the changes are made.

d	It is the intention to provide the reasons for the changes and the 
	perceived benefits of those changes
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THD	W  2012/08/01	18:30 - 19:20 - 17 units
Changing Disclaimer details
Checking with PDF file and coding structure 
Checking and correcting web pages 
Checking Sponsor web-pages