A Ownership IOW RUBAC structure
B Copyright
C Part of larger coding structure
D Objectives of coding structure

A Ownership SAN IOW RUBAC Structure

a	The RUBAC Electronic Information Interchange [EII] Management 
	Coding methodology is owned by the Hamme Family Trust

b	The coding structure for IOW was researched and developed by 
	6 members of the SAN:

	1	Peter AXTENS LLB (Retired)	PMA
	4	Tasman DUFFY			THD
	6	Halisa NSW Partnership		HNP

c	The Research and Development IPR beneficiaries are:

	1	Hamme Family Trust		HFT
	2	Axtens Family Trust		XFT
	3	Archbold Family Trust		AFT
	4	Ravestijn Family Trust		RFT
	5	Duffy Family Trust		DFT
	4	Neilsen Family Trust		NFT
	5	Gould Family Trust		GFT

B Copyright

a	The copyright for the codes is owned by the organisation and 
	the parties who researched and develop the code for a specific 
	application, function or process.

C Part of larger coding structure

a	The coding structure used to provide the "Index of Wellbeing [IOW]" 
	is part of the RUBAC [Rational Universal Business Automation Code]
	Electronic Information Management Methodology .

b	In 1987 The Yankee Group states in it's report on "EDI in Australia" 
	that RUBAC "was way beyond EDI"
c	In 1988 15 Letters of support for the RUBAC EII Methodology were 
	received from European proponents of EDI including UK Customs

d	In 1988 the Australian Bureau of Statistics provided a letter of support
	for the RUBAC ASCII Coding system for the collection of up-to-date

e	In 1990 the British Standards Institute [BSI] initiated a Joint-Venture 
	to evaluate how RUBAC would reduce the production of 14,000,000 pieces 
	of paper which were distributed each year for the 456 BSI Committees 

f	In 1991-1993 The European Aerospace Association [ACEMA] evaluated the RUBAC
	methodology for the Eurofighter project which comprised over 1,000
	suppliers in 4 Countries

g	In 1992 European Customs evaluated the RUBAC Methodology for the
	flow of Electronic Information in the Export Process

h	In 1994 the Open Interchange Consortium [OIC] was formed to assist
	large, medium and small organisations understand and adopt
	Electronic Information processes 

i	Members of the Open Interchange Consortium [OIC] were involved in 
	a number of projects that refined the RUBAC Electronic Information 
	Interchange [EII] Management methodology including:

	1	Electronic Association Information Management [EAIM]

		Joint sponsors included Ourworld Global Network [OGN], 
		Commonwealth Bank and AIDC

	2	OIC Y2K Resource Asset Management Program [OICY2KRAMP]

		The Joint Sponsors included Business Management Trust, 
		Halisa-NSW Partnership and GLM Enterprises

		OICY2KRAMP was developed to assist Businesses with the 
		Y2K Certification Certificates for Trading partners

		It was designed to provide a long-term Asset Management
		Program including Equipment Resources, Human Resources 
		and Stock Resources
	3	OTMG Tender Information Management Service [TIMS]

		The Joint Sponsors of TIMS inculde CSC Australia, Optus, 
		Halisa International and OTMG Pty Ltd

	4	Junior Sports Information Services [JSIS]

		JSIS was sponsored by parents of the U7 Pittwater Soccer 
		Club in Mona Vale to assist Junior Sports people understand 
		how to accept responsibility by the use of rosters to update 
		their sporting records regularly each week  

	5	"Kids-Safe-at-Sport" Network[KSAS-Au] 

		KSAS-Au was sponsored by parents of the U7 Pittwater Soccer 
		Club in Mona Vale so they could verify that other sporting 
		teams had complied with the Child Protection legislation and
		had conducted the appropriate checks.

		This application also provided a simple and fast Dispute 
		Resolution process 

g	Further details on the RUBAC EII methodology can be reviewed here.

D Objectives of coding structure

a	The RUBAC methodology was researched to achieve a number of objectives 

	1	the automation of management metrics

	2	synchronisation of distributed information repositories

	3	automatically index and file electronic information

	4	minimise transmission time and cost

	5	provide a standard structure for information retrieval


THD	F  2012/08/03	11:05 - 12:03 - 20 units
Updating Code Joint Venture web-links
THD	W  2012/08/01	19:20 - 20:15 - 19 units
Changing Disclaimer details
Checking with PDF file and coding structure 
Checking and correcting web pages 
Checking Sponsor web-pages

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