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These Refugee projects require Capital Equipment, Materials, Perishable Materials as well
as Human Resources to succeed
On-line minutes can be one way of promoting Sponsors' web-sites
The background to this Zambian Refugee project can be reviewed On-line here
Draft Minutes: Thu 28 Jun 2018 re Mtg 6 26 Jun 2018 REF:UNAACMfd
ZIG/ZAG: UNDP-Zambia Refugee Program - UNA
Objectives: A Review "D - General Discussion P1 & P2 40/75 Q&A"
B Review 3-yr UN Refugee Sponsorship by "The Fine Art Collector Noosa"
C Review Follow-up Letters re email blocking by Microsoft & Google
D Next sections to review "General Discussion P3 & P4" by F 22 Jun 2018
Date: Tue 26 Jun 2018 Time:17:30 - 18:30
Venue: Balgowlah RSL Contact: Stephen GOULD
30 Ethel Street SAN Projects Co-ordinator
BALGOWLAH 2092 {61}(4)1600-9468
Peter AXTENS [PMA] Chr Y Janece WILLS [JPW] Y
Gloria OMODEI [GMO] Y Carline DUFFY [CJD] Y
Tim CHENKO [TMC] E Stephen GOULD [SGG] Sec Y
Kathy REID [KCR] E
A 17:30-17:50 - A Review "D - General Discussion P1 & P2 40/75 Q&A" topics
The Topics for On-line discussion by 1st year Engineering students at 30 Participating
Universities that are members of EWB are:
D General Discussion P1 - 1-20/75 questions
The meeting felt that many of the questions were not answered properly and would lead
to frustration for many of the students trying to design workable projects
As example was the first question asked by Lloyd on 04 Mar 2016 "D1 - Construction Materials Pricing"
The currency had been devalued since the pricing spreadsheets were released and
this appears to have caused considerable problems for the students
eg "D1 - Construction Materials Pricing"
"D19 - Confirmation of costs"
The meeting agreed to review this again once the other questions were reviewed at the next meeting
D General Discussion P2 - 21-40/75 questions
The meeting expressed concern over the fact that all the refugees were dependent on subsistence
farming D37 How much of Mayukwayukwa depends on Subsistence farming (D37 09 May 2016 from Joel
McLEOD ) yet there was little information on the quantity of bore-holes or the flow of
the Luena River
According to the Internet you only need a bucket and stopwatch to calculate
the flow of a river
There was a generator but the turbine had been broken and not repaired or replaced
B 17:50-18:05 - Fine Art Collector prepared to sponsor UN Refugee Projects
SGG gave a briefing on a meeting with Leigh MURPHY who was a Fine Art Collector in Noosa
Leigh was prepared to provide 15% Commission to the United Nations Refugee project on every
Australian Fine Art purchased via promotion of his Fine Art collection on the SAN/OIC UN
Zambia web-site
C 18:05-18:20 - Proposed next step re blocked Emails by Microsoft Outlook
PMA & SGG said that with any potential sponsors for UN Refugee Projects that is was critical
to be able to use email effectively and without any interference
Another letter had been prepared to send to the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs
"Minister Foreign Affairs - Who to contact re illegal Microsoft & Google email blocking"
The email can be reviewed On-line here
Wed 27 Jun 2018 Recipient:611FSjb1
REF:AAEJFRN1 Y/R: UN Refugee initiatives
TO: The Hon Julie BISHOP E:
Minister for Foreign Affairs F:{61}(2)6273-4112
House of Representatives M:{61}(4)
Australian Parliament House P:{61}(2)6277-7500
Canberra ACT 2600 cc Interested Parties
Dear Minister for Foreign Affairs
Our letters Mon 21 May 2018 "Who to contact re email conspiracy against UN
Refugee Help" and Thu 07 Jun 20 "Microsoft has not complied with its written
Policy on blocked emails outlined what appears to be a conspiracy by Google,
Microsoft and Yahoo to prevent email distributions on UNHCR Refugee
Even though we have received an automatic email response from your office
that you have received the emails we have not received a telephone call or
written response from your office as yet
{Att A - confirmation AER responses from Minister Foreign Affairs Office }
In June 2018 discussions were held with an Australian Fine Art Collector who
was prepared to provide 15% of the value of his Fine Art Sales via the
Sustainability Action Network contacts to United Nations Refugee Projects
The basis of the agreement was that we would promote by email his collection of
Fine Art Paintings that were for sale from historical early Australian Painters
The Collector wished to find "new collectors and buyers" hence his interest in
the proposal to raise awareness of his Paintings for sale by email to our contact lists
Unfortunately on Mon 25 Jun 2018 the first email sent was totally blocked by
Google Gmail as per attached evidence re email
Here is a small Australian Fine Art Collector prepared to financially support
United Nations Refugee Projects as well as promote Australian Art and
Australian Artist internationally yet we are continually obstructed and thwarted
by American Technology interests
We seek your advice on how we can fulfil what we see as our obligations as
Citizens to the United Nations Charter
Yours sincerely
Peter AXTENS LLB (Retired) Stephen GOULD
Official Agent Projects Co-ordinator
PO Box 517 Neutral Bay Junction 2089
W 2018/06/27 612088
M: 0416-009-468
1 Google Australia Managing Director Jason PELLEGRINO
2 Microsoft Australian Managing Director Steven WORRALL
A Confirmation AER email receipts by Office of Minister Foreign Affairs
B F 22 Jun 2018 JV Proposal 5% Fine Art sale to UN Refugees
C M 25 Jun 2018 Collections Fine Art now On-line
D1 M 25 Jun 2018 - 500 Emails blocked on
D2 M 25 Jun 2018 - 500 Emails blocked on
AER - Automatic Email Reply
D 18:20-18:30 Review "General Discussion P3 & P4 - 41-75 Q&A"
These are the sections to be reviewed by 17:00 Fri 06 Jul 2018
Section D:
General Discussion P3 24 Mar 2016-15 Sep 2016 41 - 60 Q&A
General Discussion P4 20 Sep 2016-26 Oct 2016 61 - 75 Q&A
There are 2 resettlement areas in Zambia with the Mayukwayukwa Resettlement
area established in 1966 and currently has over 11,000 Refugees whereas the
Meheba Resettlement area was established in 1970 and has over 15, 000 Refugees
SGG said from his review of the questions and answers given there appeared to be
a need for Urban Planning rather than one-off 1st-year student projects
According to the Wikipedia Settlement Hierarchy :
A City is 100,000-300,00 people
A large Town is 20,000 - 100,000 people
A Town is 1,000 - 20,000 people
A Village is 100 - 1,000 people
A Hamlet is a population of less than 100 people
Hence it appears that a refugee camp of more than 1,000 people requires an Urban
Planning strategy
This may be very relevant as according to paper presented by Prof Professor Barry
N. Stein Department of Political Science Michigan State University to the 1990
meeting of the American Anthropological Association New Orleans 28 November
1990 "the majority of the 117 Resettlement areas in Africa are unable to achieve or
sustain economic self-sufficiency"
Date: Tue 10 Jul 2018 Time: 17:30 - 18:30
Venue: Balgowlah RSL E:
30 Ethel St P:{61}(2) 9949 5477
1 Upload "Gen Discuss P3 & P4- 41-75 questions SGG All by F 2018/06/29
2 Review "General Discussion P3 & P4" topics All All by F 2018/07/06
3 Submit Questions re " General Discussion-41-75" All SGG 17:00 2018/07/06
Stephen GOULD
Projects Co-ordinator
M: {61}(4)1600-9468
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