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The minutes with links to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
[UNHCR] and Engineers without Borders [EWB] Australia Zambia Refugee project information can
be reviewed On-line here
These Refugee projects require Capital Equipment, Materials, Perishable Materials as well
as Human Resources to succeed
On-line minutes can be one way of promoting Sponsors' web-sites
The background to this Zambian Refugee project can be reviewed On-line here
Index of questions - General Discussion Section 1 01-20/75 Q&A
D20) Market's water supply - 1 reply
D19) Confirmation of costs - 1 reply
D18) Copper wire and magnets - 1 reply
D17) General-discussion - 1 reply
D16) Crops - 1 reply
D15) Water usage of crops - 1 reply
D14) 'Solutions Alliance' website link - 0 replies
D13) Borehole near the Hospital - 1 reply
D12) climate change and agriculture - 2 replies
D11) Boreholes - 2 replies
D10) Fixings - 2 replies
D 9) Aluminium Foil - 1 reply
D 8) Health Clinic - Borehole - 1 reply
D 7) Availability of IBCs - 1 reply
D 6) Straw/hay bales in Zambia - 1 reply
D 5) Spacing between houses - 5 replies
D 4) Precise location of the camp - 1 reply
D 3) Bamboo - 2 replies
D 2) Resources of the Mayukwayukwa community - 1 reply
D 1) Construction Material Pricings - 1 reply
#1 Sat, 04/30/2016 - 23:31 Brennan Ploughman
Market's water supply
Hi Alison, Sorry if this is a repost at all, but I've been going through the resources and
having a hard time figuring out exactly where the markets are located and if there is a
borehole/water supply close by? Thanks.
#2 Tue, 05/10/2016 - 10:56 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Brennan,
Not a problem - you should be able to get an idea of where the market and boreholes are
through comparing the maps posted here with the map available on the last page of the
'Strategic Framework for the Local Integration of Former Refugees in Zambia', available here:
There are boreholes in close proximity to the current market area in the camp.
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 2 days ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Fri, 05/06/2016 - 15:43 Vaclav Wichta
Confirmation of costs
Hi, the prices of materials as per the spreadsheet in relation to prices of labour don't
seem to match up. From research the minimum wage for labourers seems to be around 3600zmk/hour
($0.71USD), while according to the sheet on the EWB site a bag of cement only costs 75zmk
We're just finding it hard to believe that a worker earns 70x more per hour than it costs
to buy a bag of cement and were wondering if this could please be cleared up. Thanks again
#2 Sun, 05/08/2016 - 14:21 Vaclav Wichta
Figured it out.
Just for those out who'll be doing any budgeting for their projects, take care which year any
figures are from. The Zambian Kwacha was rebased in 2013, where 1000 old Kwacha became 1 new
Kwacha, resulting in our misunderstanding of costs
General discussion updated 2 years 3 days ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Sat, 04/23/2016 - 20:56 Gordon Li
Copper wire and magnets
How would a resident in Mayukwayukwa obtain small lengths of copper wire (< 0.5m) and
small magnets?
For example, is there any electronic waste that can be salvaged, or possibly broken
engine parts?
#2 Wed, 05/04/2016 - 12:28 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Gordon,
Apart from mobile phones, there are not currently many electronic devices in Mayukwayukwa
or car engines.
The materials you are suggesting sound quite simple, so perhaps there is the opportunity
for another organisation to source them from elsewhere around Zambia where electronic
waste is more prevalent.
If you look through the programs run by UNHCR and their implementing partners, you might
see that in many cases the organisation provides initial inputs to set up the program,
and then it becomes sustainable over time (for example, Concern Worldwide providing
argiculture inputs to assist farmers setting up their plots).
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 1 week ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Wed, 04/20/2016 - 10:40 Adam Burkitt
General discussion
does the village have access to any oils?
#2 Mon, 05/02/2016 - 14:04 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Adam,
Can you clarify this question for me?
What type of oil are you referring to?
Thanks Alison
General discussionupdated 2 years 1 month ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D16) CROPS - 1 reply
#1 Sun, 04/24/2016 - 14:16 Kent Hawkins
Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me how much land area is used for cropping in the community?
and what kind of crops they used? Thanks
#2 Wed, 04/27/2016 - 17:15 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Kent,
There is now a document posted in the 'resources' section called the Mayukwayukwa
2013-2014 Crop Forecast' which should assist you with this.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 2 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Mon, 04/18/2016 - 16:50 Daniel Williams
Water usage of crops
Hi EWB, I'm just wondering what an average daily water usage would be for watering a crop?
Would a farm use say two buckets of water on their crop a day or something like that?
I understand this is a tricky question but i'm trying to gauge average daily usage of
water on a farm.
Thank you, Daniel
#2 Thu, 04/21/2016 - 14:41 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Daniel,
The amount of water required for agricultural use will depend on a few factors, so you'll
have to make a reasonable estimate for your design and define in your report the variables
you assumed that led you to this quantity.
For example, we'd like to see your consideration around the size of farm you're looking at,
what crops are being grown, etc (is it a small backyard vegetable garden or a larger farm
in the resettlement area?).
At the moment, the majority of the crops grown in the resettlement area are rain-fed, so
farmers are quite reliant on the timing and amount of rain during the wet season.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 3 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Thu, 04/21/2016 - 14:30 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
'Solutions Alliance' website link
Hi Everyone, If you're looking to understand the situation in Zambia a bit more thoroughly, you
will likely find value in exploring the Solutions Alliance website and the Zambia group in particular:
All the best with your research the progression of your design ideas. Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 3 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Fri, 04/15/2016 - 20:52 Hugo Cesar Guedes Guerra
Borehole near the Hospital
I need some extra information about the borehole near the hospital, because me and my group are
planing to build a simple windmill to pump the water there to save time and for convenience,
so for this project
We would need some specific information and We now that may be difficult to answer but here it goes.
1) About this borehole near the hospital, do you have an average about how deep is the water?
2) Are there offscourings nearby?
Because We would need some 3/4" pipes and a car wheel, metal parts like that.
Thanks a lot for the attention! Me and my group appreciate it.
#2 Wed, 04/20/2016 - 11:19 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Hugo,
Apologies for the delay in getting back you.
We don't have any information about the exact depth of the water table next to the health clinic,
but the boreholes are drilled to 50m as a standard rule.
Great to see you're looking to repurpose materials in your design.
As you've noted, the challenge with using waste materials (such as offcuts from pipes) is that
the design may alter slightly based on what exactly is available when it comes time to build.
Perhaps you could look into nearby businesses that would regularly produce these waste materials
as a result of their operations?
Or, alternatively, ensure your design is flexible enough so it will function even with slightly
different materials?
It would also be great to see your thinking around whether this design will only be appropriate
for the current health clinic or whether system could be repeated at other health clinics/schools/etc
in other locations.
Good luck Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 3 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 22:15 Lachlan Chilcott
climate change and agriculture.
Hello. Can you tell me if concrete bricks which are hollow inside, are available and the cost if
possible? Thank you.
#2 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 15:08 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Lachlan,
Concrete would come from outside Mayukwayukwa, potentially all the way from Lusaka, especially
if it was a manufactured hollow brick.
I will see if there is a specific price of concrete available, but I would recommend making a
reasonable assumption based on your background research in the meantime.
Kind Regards Alison
#3 Sun, 04/17/2016 - 12:11 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Lachlan,
Justin has provided more detail below around the availability of concrete:
Concrete bricks are not available in Mayukwayukwa.
They are procured from Kaoma a distance of about 70km from Mayukwayukwa and they are sold
at 5ZMK (5 Zambian Kwacha) each equivalent to half of a US dollar (about 50cents) each.
This requires one to hire a light truck to ferry the blocks to Mayukwayukwa (at 800ZMK for
500 blocks which are 5-6inch.
For the individuals that would opt to make them locally, they have to buy cement from Kaoma
(which costs at 70 Kwacha per 50kg pocket) which has its own transport cost.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 3 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D11) BOREHOLES - 2 replies
#1 Tue, 04/05/2016 - 11:53 Gemma Frost
Hello, We were wondering where the current boreholes within the refugee camp are located, and
also the locations for the new boreholes that will be drilled for the new resettlement. Thanks
#2 Tue, 04/05/2016 - 12:14 Gemma Frost
Or at least the average distance from the boreholes to the houses
#3 Sun, 04/17/2016 - 11:52 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Gemma,
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
The two most recently uploaded resources ('map of refugee settlement area' and 'map of
resettlement area') show approximately where boreholes exist at the moment.
If you look at the 'map of resettlement area' you can start to see the pattern of how
boreholes will be strategically placed in the future.
The Department of Water Affairs is looking to provide one borehole for every four plots.
All the best and apologies for the slow response Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 3 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D10) FIXINGS - 2 replies
#1 Tue, 03/29/2016 - 12:48 Emma Powell
Hi there, just wondering about the cost and availability of fixings, such as nuts and bolts,
screws. and welding.
Thanks Emma
#2 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 15:10 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Emma,
We are just following this question up for you and we will post back here shortly with
an answer.
Kind Regards Alison
#3 Fri, 04/15/2016 - 15:33 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Emma,
Please find Justin's response below:
'The prices for the nuts, screws and bolts vary considerably depending on the size.
They range from K5 to K50 depending on size.
Welding is rarely done [in Mayukwayukwa] because the welding machines are not permitted
to be connected to the power supplied by the genset.
However, partner organisations may have a genset/welding machine at their places of
work (CCR - Caritas Czech Republic has a 5KV genset) which can be borrowed and used
for welding purpose for free except that the borrowing institution requesting for it
may be requested to buy their own fuel which costs approximately at K9/litre equivalent
to 1US dolla be it diesel of petrol.
They may as well be requested to buy electrodes which cost K100 per 5kg bag.'
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 3 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D 9) ALUMINIUM FOIL - 1 reply
#1 Wed, 04/13/2016 - 10:30 Lukas M. Fuchs
Aluminium Foil
Hi, For our project we need a cheap reflecting material such as aluminium foil.
Our question is: Is aluminium foil a common product that would be cheap and easy to get?
Thanks for your help!
#2 Thu, 04/14/2016 - 11:32 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Lukas,
It is reasonable to assume that aluminum foil could be sourced from around Mayukwayukwa,
likely from one of the larger towns nearby.
Good luck! Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 4 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Mon, 04/11/2016 - 01:34 Ted Lee
Health Clinic - Borehole
Hello, i was just wondering how far away the borehole that the clinic staff use to pump out water is.
Or, is it quite close, say a 50 m radius from the health clinic. Thank You
#2 Wed, 04/13/2016 - 09:20 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Ted,
If you take a look the 'health' design area page, you can see the borehole used by the health
clinic staff in one of the photos.
We don't have an exact measurement of the distance, but you can see it's not too far outside the
front gate.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 4 weeks ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 20:21 Karam Istivan
Availability of IBCs
Hi, I was wandering about whether Intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) were available for purchase
in the area and their average cost.
I was also wandering about the corrugated iron sheet specified in the construction materials cost
list as it doesn't specify the dimensions from what I see.
Any response is appreciated. Thanks.
#2 Tue, 04/12/2016 - 11:01 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Karam,
Can you clarify what you mean by an 'intermediate bulk container'?
If you are referring to plastic containers, these would be available in Lusaka.
The length of the corrugated iron sheet used in the 'roof over the head' structures is 4.84m (it is
likely that only this dimension was clarified as corrugated iron sheets are generally sold by the
length, so this would be the only variable for their purposes).
Please use your research to make a reasonable assumption around the cost and wide of these sheets.
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 1 month ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 19:33 Abdul Alotaibi
Straw/hay bales in Zambia
Hello, I'm currently doing the Zambia EWB project.
I'm currently writing my research. I would like to know if there is straw/hay available in
Zambia (straw/hay bales).
Whether it's easily accessible or not.
If possible, I would like an official statement that says there is or there isn't for
my references.
Thank you very much!
#2 Tue, 04/12/2016 - 10:18 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Abdul,
The Western Province of Zambia has a lot of grassland, and you'll notice from the photos on the website
that grass is quite a common construction material.
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 1 month ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 13:54 Brad McMaster
Spacing between houses
Just wondering how much room there is between houses typically?
A rough measurement would be appreciated if possible
Our group is looking at implementing water tanks and would like to know a rough estimate
on the water usage per home.
Obviously it will vary house to house.
#2 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 15:31 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Brad,
This will depend if you are looking at the current refugee camp or the resettlement area.
In the resettlement area, households are given a 5-10 hectare plot of land, so space should
not be a limiting factor.
In the current refugee camp, the space between homes does vary, but tends to be much tighter
- for example, a survey completed by the Department of Water Affairs found that residents said
a major reason for not including rubbish pits or pit latrines on their land was lack of space.
This same survey of residents found that most people use an average of 33 litres of water per
person per day.
Kind Regards Alison
(Reply to #2)#3 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 13:37 Brad McMaster
Would it be possible to get a copy/link to the survey completed by the Department of Water Affairs
for future reference by any chance?
Thanks Brad
(Reply to #3)#4 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 17:23 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Brad,
Unfortunately we don't have access to the original survey, just a few key points from the results.
Kind Regards Alison
#5 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 14:09 Brad McMaster
Also, on how high off the ground are the lowest edges of the houses typically?
Need to know so we can try and figure out an ideal height for the water tanks we aim to
implement/design.Thanks again
(Reply to #5)#6 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 17:28 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Brad,
I recommend you use the photos available to make an assumption around what an appropriate water
tank height would be.
There are lots of photos (in all the design areas, not just shelter!) that can provide information
to support the estimate you use in your design.
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 1 month ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 15:41 Viktor Yarchuk
Precise location of the camp
Hi, I have been trying to find the camp on google earth and I found a settlement, but I'm not
sure if it's the right one.
The one that I've found has coordinates: Latitude: 14°24'38.14"S Longitude: 23°53'27.39"E
Can you please confirm if it is right one or if not share information about the location. Thanks.
#2 Tue, 04/05/2016 - 09:47 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Viktor,
Have you had a look at the Google Earth file posted on the resources section of the website?
( )
The bridge that forms the main entry near Mayukwayukwa is shown on this map and the refugee
settlement extends to the west.
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 1 month ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D 3) BAMBOO - 2 replies
#1 Wed, 03/23/2016 - 17:21 Jennifer Feliciano
Hi, I was just wondering if there are any bamboos that grow around the area, and if so what
type of bamboo grows there? Thanks
#2 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 17:36 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Jennifer,
The area around Mayukwayukwa is mainly grasslands and we did not see any bamboo.
I will follow up if we have any more detail around the specific native vegetation in the area
that is unique from the general information you might find about the rest of the Western
Province of Zambia.
Kind Regards Alison
#3 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 20:59 Michael Jones
Our group would also like to know what the types of timber are in the local vicinity of the
We would like to utilise the local resources for a new hydro rainwater system.
General discussion updated 2 years 1 month ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Thu, 03/10/2016 - 14:34 Michael Georges
Resources of the Mayukwayukwa community
Is there a list of resources that are readily available to the people in the community (aside
from those on the shelter construction excel file)?
It would be very useful to have an idea of the cost of these as well.
#2 Thu, 03/17/2016 - 00:37 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Michael,
Would you be able to give me an idea of what kind of resources you were trying to cost?
If you have a specific item you are looking at, I may be able to help you find more detail on it.
However, a bit of research into the Western Province of Zambia and looking through the photos
on the website should give you at least the beginnings of ideas around what types of resources
are available.
This is the best place to start!
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 1 month ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Fri, 03/04/2016 - 19:31 Lloyd ____
Construction Material Pricings
Hi, I wanted to clarify the currency used in the "Construction Material Costs" document
( ).
Listed is the currency code ZMK, which is now obsolete.
Given the value of the ZMK (~ZMK1 = US$11,000), I was wondering if it was meant to be listed as
ZMW (the replacement currency)? Thank you
#2 Thu, 03/17/2016 - 00:32 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Lloyd,
Good catch - the prices are listed in Zambian kwacha and I would assume the use of the old
currency code is simply a matter of habit.
I will clarify this is correct and update the resource.
Good luck with your project!
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 2 years 1 month ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
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