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The minutes with links to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
[UNHCR] and Engineers without Borders [EWB] Australia Zambia Refugee project information can
be reviewed On-line here
These Refugee projects require Capital Equipment, Materials, Perishable Materials as well
as Human Resources to succeed
On-line minutes can be one way of promoting Sponsors' web-sites
The background to this Zambian Refugee project can be reviewed On-line here
Index of questions - General Discussion Section 3 41-60/75 Q&A
D60) latrines - 2 replies
D59) Bamboo Availability and Costs - 1 reply
D58) Cost Confusion - 1 reply
D57) Population - 1 reply
D56) Cost of Salt - 3 replies
D55) PVC Pipe cost - 3 replies
D54) Hammer mills - 1 reply
D53) Redox potential - 1 reply
D52) Sterilization questions - 2 replies
D51) Finance - 1 reply
D50) Women's Health - 1 reply
D49) Data Transmission - 1 reply
D48) Contour Map - 2 replies
D47) Animals - 3 replies
D46) Clay - 2 replies
D45) Water Purification - 2 replies
D44) Vaccines & Population - 1 reply
D43) Boreholes - 1 reply
D42) Market Prices - 4 replies
D41) Food Preservation - 2 replies
D60) LATRINES - 2 replies
#1 Thu, 09/15/2016 - 16:39 Matt Meares
Hi, I would like to ask if the pit latrines that are currently in use or being constructed, are
they designed to be permanent? (ie once full they are emptied and reused) or single use
(ie once full they are covered over and the slab is moved to a new location)?
#2 Thu, 09/15/2016 - 16:39 Matt Meares
In the resettlement area
#3 Tue, 09/20/2016 - 15:14 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Matt,
At the moment there is no system in place for emptying and reusing the pit latrines once they
are full.
We will follow up whether this will be changing in the resettlement area and post back here
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 6 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Mon, 09/12/2016 - 12:36 Daniel Paten
Bamboo Availability and Costs
Hi, my team was wondering where we can get bamboo, how much it costs and how much it would cost
to transport to Mayukwayukwa. Thanks.
#2 Tue, 09/20/2016 - 14:25 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
There is a bit of information on bamboo as well as other common sources of wood posted in
previous discussion threads.
You can use the 'search' tool at the top of the discussion forum to filter the posts based on
Please use the cost information you have been able to source from the website and outside
research to make a reasonable estimate around transport costs.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 6 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D58) COST CONFUSION - 1 reply
#1 Sun, 09/11/2016 - 13:50 Ellen Vlachos
Cost Confusion
Our group has been having a lot of trouble figuring out what prices are because of the change
from ZMK to ZMW, and we'd like some confirmation of the post of petrol specifically.
We're unsure of the price in USD. We know that petrol costs 8.59 ZMK/L.
If you could tell us what this is equal to in USD, that would be very helpful.
Some research is telling us that it's 0.00165 USD, but that seems extremely low, and due to the
change in currency we're really unsure of what it actually is equal to.
#2Tue, 09/20/2016 - 11:13 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Ellen,
Apologies for the delayed reply - please see this post for a bit more explanation on this topic:
In much of the data/resources/interviews, the new rebased currency was still referred to as ZMK,
rather than ZMW, which I understand can be confusing.
When looking for the current exchange rate, make sure you're referring to the Zambian kwacha
after 2013 (it's about a 1 to 10 ratio)
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 6 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D57) POPULATION - 1 reply
#1 Thu, 09/15/2016 - 12:09 Matt Meares
Hi I would like to know what is the current population in the resettlement area, and
what is the projected growth over the next 1-5 years?
#2 Thu, 09/15/2016 - 16:13 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Matt,
You will probably find this update from UNHCR on the Local Integration Programme useful:
The 'Zambia Local Integration Concept Note' contains updates on the programme as of February
this year that can help you make a reasonable assumption, such as 'number of plots demarcated
and number of plots allocated'.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 7 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#2 Tue, 08/23/2016 - 14:18 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D56) COST OF SALT - 3 replies
#1 Thu, 08/18/2016 - 14:38 Daniel Paten
Cost of Salt
Hi, our team was wondering what the cost of salt was. Thanks in advance.
#2 Tue, 08/23/2016 - 14:18 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Daniel,
I am just looking into this for you - please make a reasonable assumption in the meantime for
the purposes of moving forward with your design.
All the best Alison
#3 Tue, 09/06/2016 - 10:21 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Daniel,
Please find Justin's response below:
Salt (Sodium chloride) is one of the cheapest commodities.
Depending on the quantities packaged the cost ranges from 1 ZMK per 100grammes to 2 ZMK per
All the best Alison
#4 Mon, 09/12/2016 - 08:56 Daniel Paten
Thank you, appreciate it!
General discussion updated 1 year 7 months ago Daniel Paten
D55) PVC PIPE COST - 3 replies
#1 Mon, 05/30/2016 - 15:54 Alec Ackland
PVC Pipe cost
Hi, In the construction costs spreadsheet, there are two materials for PVC piping, the Black
Vent Pipe 4" PVC for 16.67ZKW per 3m and Vent Valve 4" PVC for 15ZKW per 1m I was wondering
if these were specifically PVC Vents and PVC Valves, and not the PVC Pipes themselves;
if they are not, what is the cost per metre of PVC piping in ZWK?
Also, is the pricing the current pricing, ie $5ZWK ~= $1USD?
Thanks very much for your assistance.
#2 Mon, 05/30/2016 - 15:57 Alec Ackland
As well as these PVC questions, we would also like to know how much Chicken Wire costs,
wether it be per metre or otherwise. Thank you.
(Reply to #2) #3 Tue, 09/06/2016 - 10:19 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
While this post is from semester 1 - I will add more detail we have just received just in case
it is of use to students in semester 2.
The price of chicken wire varies by location.
For instance, chicken wire costs 35 ZMK per metre in Kaoma - it is much cheaper to buy it from
Lusaka at 15 ZMK per metre, but it is quite far from Mayukwayukwa.
#4 Tue, 06/07/2016 - 11:40 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Alec,
While the materials listed in the spreadsheet may not be the exact size or type of pvc you are
after, for the purposes of your design you can use these costings to make an assumption around
the cost of the item you require.
Likewise, we will follow up the cost of chicken wire for you, but please use the costings
provided (in the resources section and also in previous threads on this forum) to progress
your design in the meantime.
Please just state the reasoning behind your assumptions in your report.
Around your question of the exchange rate, the costs in the spreadsheet are current as of
July 2015.
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 8 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D54) HAMMER MILLS - 1 reply
#1 Mon, 08/29/2016 - 13:28 Jordan Summers
Hammer mills
Hi there, Just wondering how many people work in the hammer mill, the amount of hours they
have to work and there pay rates. Cheers.
#2 Sat, 09/03/2016 - 12:44 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Jordan,
Apologies, I realised that didn't note on the previous thread that we are still following up
this part of your question with a field professional in Mayukwayukwa.
I will post back here when he is able to respond.
In the meantime, I hope you've seen the response to the other part of the question?
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 8 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D53) REDOX POTENTIAL - 1 reply
#1 Wed, 08/24/2016 - 22:26 Jessica Farr
Redox potential
Hi I was wondering if the redox potential of the water at the refugee settlement was known.
(I don't need to know if there is an exact value I would just like to know if it was high or
low?) Thanks
#2 Mon, 08/29/2016 - 14:49 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Jessica,
Unfortunately the reduction potential is not one of the parameters tested regularly by the
Department of Water Affairs.
Can you use the fact that the water is sourced from boreholes (and is therefore groundwater
rather than surface water) to make an assumption for the purposes of your design?
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 8 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Mon, 08/22/2016 - 14:09 Ellen Vlachos
Sterilization questions
I have a few questions related to how sterilization currently works at the refugee settlement.
1) I know an autoclave is used, but what kind of autoclave?
How old is it?
And how much power does it use to work?
Is anything else needed to run it aside from power?
How rarely is it used?
2) How much water is needed for the boiling method of equipment sterilization?
How frequently is equipment sterilized in this way (daily, weekly, etc.)?
#2 Mon, 08/22/2016 - 14:23 Ellen Vlachos
If possible, I would also like to know how the water is boiled at the clinic to sterilize
equipment, and how long equipment is boiled for.
#3 Mon, 08/29/2016 - 12:09 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Ellen,
I am just in the process of following up your questions, however some are quite specific and it
is unlikely we will be able to get to that level of detail.
Where the exact information is not available, please use your outside research and the photos
posted on this site (of both the electric autoclave and the pot in which equipment is heated)
to make reasonable assumptions.
For the purposes of the EWB Challenge, please just state where an assumption was made and
explain the reasoning behind it (i.e. we estimate XX litres of water based on the size of
the pot).
There is a photo of the electric autoclave in the 'health' section of the website - we were
advised that it is not currently used at all.
There is also a photo of Mary explaining the alternative method, which should help you estimate
the amount of water required for this process.
This pot is placed over a fire to boil.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 8 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D51) FINANCE - 1 reply
#1 Thu, 08/18/2016 - 12:03 Nathan Kagi
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any financial details for the refugees in the Mayukwayukwa
In particular cost of living, income, funding/support from the UNHCR.
I've been reading through the latest global report from the UNHCR on Zambia but it doesn't have
specific information.
#2 Tue, 08/23/2016 - 14:15 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Nathan,
There a few resources posted already that you might find helpful.
Have you seen this thread on the discussion forum?
I would also recommend looking into UNHCR's initiatives in the Livelihoods space.
There is a video in the resources section ( )
that could be a great starting point.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 8 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D50) WOMEN'S HEALTH - 1 reply
#1 Mon, 08/15/2016 - 16:16 Kate Lowe
Women's Health
Hey! We were wondering if the women in Mayukwayukwa have existing undergarments designed to hold
sanitary products in place.
#2 Tue, 08/23/2016 - 13:42 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Kate,
Yes, the UNHCR program that distributes chitenges to be used as sanitary pads also distributes
underwear at the same time.
I've also added a bit more detail for our interview with a UNHCR Community Services Assistant
on this thread, which you might find helpful:
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 8 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Sat, 08/06/2016 - 17:11 Buddhi Ranasinghe
Data Transmission
I read on the initial introduction that cell coverage is very limited on the camp.
Can the extent of how good this coverage is be provided?
In addition to this, are there telephone/data lines running towards the refugee camp?
This is to aid the data transmission process.
#2 Wed, 08/17/2016 - 16:11 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Buddhi,
The map of Mayukwayukwa posted in the 'Resources' section ( )
shows the location of the Airtel tower that provides mobile phone coverage.
We were told that this tower covers an approximately 15-25km radius, and more information about
the tower itself was answered previously here: .
Does this information answer your question, or can you clarify what else you were looking for?
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 8 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D48) CONTOUR MAP - 2 replies
#1 Mon, 06/06/2016 - 18:16 Jonathon McCowan
Contour Map
Hi I was just wondering if thee is any way our team can get a hold of a topographical map or a
contour map.
We need to know where the high and low spots are on the surrounding land of the community.
Thank you.
#2 Tue, 06/07/2016 - 14:23 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Jonathon,
The closest map available is the Google Earth file available on the 'resources' section of
this website:
All the best Alison
#3 Sun, 07/31/2016 - 10:35 Graham Moore
In Google Earth, if you place a line segment or path on the landscape, and then choose Edit>
show elevation, you can create a transection showing the elevtion profile.
This is very useful for prelimianry planning of transport routes and water pipelines.
Graham - Uni of Melbourne.
General discussion updated 1 year 9 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D47) ANIMALS - 3 replies
#1 Sun, 04/24/2016 - 13:54 Kent Hawkins
Hi, would you be able to get estimates of the amounts of different animals that there are in
the community?
If there are is no accurate data, your rough estimates would be good. Thanks
#2 Mon, 05/02/2016 - 15:49 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Kent,
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you - I am just sourcing more information around
animals in Mayukwayukwa. We aren't able to estimate a quantity, however I am looking into,
for example, who owns animals and the way they are distributed throughout Mayukwayukwa.
If you are designing a system that relies on inputs from animals, one approach you might
take to address uncertainity is to think about how the system would function with a small
amount of animals, medium amount of animals, and large amount of animals.
Is there a minimum number of animals your system requires to be viable?
This would be valuable information for UNHCR - say not every household that owns animals
wants to use your system, but some do - you can help them answer whether your design is
still an appropriate option.
All the best, Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 11 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D46) CLAY - 2 replies
#1 Mon, 05/30/2016 - 16:00 Alec Ackland
Hi again, Our team needs to know how much clay will cost per kg or per metre. Thankyou.
#2 Mon, 05/30/2016 - 16:12 Alec Ackland
Also, is there anywhere that we can find information on how much Rubber Gaskets and Taps
will cost?
#3 Thu, 06/02/2016 - 15:51 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Alec,
Please make a reasonable estimate of these figures for the purposes of your design.
There is information in this forum that should assist you with this, for example, the discussion
around the cost of basic fixings posted here:
and a discussion around the local availability of clay here:
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 11 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Wed, 05/04/2016 - 10:58 Adam Burkitt
Water Purification
What are the average daily water consumption per house or per person?
What pesticides are used and where?
#2 Mon, 05/16/2016 - 16:26 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Adam, You can find a discussion around the average water use on this thread in the forum:
It would be great to see your team thinking about the implications of your design on water use
- will people use more? less?
what might be some larger implications of this?
We were told of two common crop diseases - 'mosiac disease' which attacks cassava plants
(apparently this is quite a challenge in the Western Province in particular) and 'maize
strike virus', which attacks maize in during dry spells.
We don't have information on the pesticides used, but we will follow this up for you.
Kind Regards, Alison
#3 Thu, 06/02/2016 - 12:22 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Adam,
Please find the response from Justin, a field professional in Mayukwayukwa, below:
There are a few individual farmers (particularly Zambian/host communities that stay next to
the local integration area) that use a variety of pesticides in Mayukwayukwa.
A few prominent farmers use herbicides to destroy weeds and other unwanted vegetation; others
use insecticides for controlling a wide variety of insects and fungicides to prevent the
growth of moulds and mildew.
All the best wrapping up your project and good luck! Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 11 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
#1 Tue, 04/26/2016 - 15:21 Alexander Hiller
Vaccines & Population
1. What storage volume will be required by the community?
2. How long is the average storage of a vaccine/medicine?
3. Do all vaccines and medicine require the same WHO-mandated temperature bracket of 2-8 degrees
4. What is the expected population for the community in 2-3 years?
#2 Tue, 05/24/2016 - 17:45 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
You can find a bit of information around vaccine use in Mayukwayukwa recently answered on
this thread: .
In terms of storage volume and the population growth, please make reasonable assumptions
based on your research.
As you might imagine, the future population of the Mayukwayukwa refugee settlement is quite
unpredictable as this is highly dependent on levels of unrest in surrounding regions as well
as the progress of finding durable solutions for current refugees - there are no current
plans to close the refugee settlement.
Lastly, it is reasonable to assume the WHO-guidelines will apply.
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 11 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D43) BOREHOLES - 1 reply
#1 Thu, 05/12/2016 - 09:48 Ezekiel Samar
Hello, Is it possible for us to gather a borehole blue print or maybe just the approximate
diameter or radius of the boreholes spout?
#2 Tue, 05/24/2016 - 17:29 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Ezekiel,
We do not have a blueprint available to share, however the pictures in design area 1 and 2
should allow you to make an estimate as they are quite typical examples.
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 11 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D42) MARKET PRICES - 4 replies
#1 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 12:29 Ben Disher
Market Prices
Just wondering what the prices of certain basic items are in the Mayukwayukwa marketplace.
If possible, it would also be beneficial to know what most people spend in the market on a
weekly or monthly basis. Thanks
#2 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 14:55 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Ben,
I'm just following up an estimate around what the average person might spend in the market
on a monthly basis - it's a great question, just bear with me as I follow up an answer.
Did you have any particular items you were interested in costing?
There is everything from t-shirts and shoes, to sodas, to fruit and nuts available in the
Kind Regards Alison
#3 Sun, 04/17/2016 - 11:56 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Ben,
Thanks for your patience, please find Justin's response below:
Income for each refugee varies.
Some have quite stable sources of income (though very few of them) while most of them have
a lot of difficulties to have stable sources of income.
Generally, on average, each resident spends approximately 20-100ZMK per month for those who
are strictly poverty stricken.
While a few of those who have a quite stable source of income can spend above 150- 200ZMK per
All the best Alison
(Reply to #3) #4 Sun, 05/22/2016 - 20:40 Brennan Ploughman
Hi Alison, I see you've been referring to the currency as ZMK, but shows ZMK is now
redundant and ZMW is the new currency. Is this correct?
Thanks Brennan
(Reply to #4) #5 Tue, 05/24/2016 - 15:54 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Brennan,
You are correct that the Zambian currency went through a rebasing and is now coded as ZMW.
You may have noticed a bit of confusion earlier in this discussion forum as 'kwacha' was
always abbreviated ZMK rather than ZMW in our conversations and interviews with Zambians
(if it was abbreviated at all, generally it was just referred to as kwacha and ngwee).
Perhaps this is not terribly surprising as the rebasing only occurred in 2013?
Anyway, yes, the correct current code is 'ZMW'.
All the best Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 11 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
D41) FOOD PRESERVATION - 2 replies
#1 Thu, 05/19/2016 - 19:02 Pierre Khoury
Food Preservation
Hello, My group is wondering whether there are any excavators available or any other type
of machinery that can dig a hole that is roughly 2m long by 2m deep by 1.8m wide?
Thank you, Pierre
#2 Mon, 05/23/2016 - 10:53 Pierre Khoury
If an excavator or similar machinery is available, what would it cost?
Thank you Pierre
#3 Tue, 05/24/2016 - 15:45 Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
Hi Pierre,
Yes, there would be larger machinery available that could be brought in to Mayukwayukwa,
similar to how larger machinery is brought in to support the delivery of infrastructure
such as roads and boreholes.
Please make an estimate on the cost for the purposes of your report as this will likely
depend on a few factors such has how many holes you will need, how far apart they are
and how long you propose using the equipment.
Would it be possible use an evaluation tool to decide whether to use machinery or manual
labour for this task?
Kind Regards Alison
General discussion updated 1 year 11 months ago Alison Stoakley (EWB Australia)
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