AAE Industry Code: E
PTC Application Code: Bg
PTA Project Type: Request for Quotation (RFQ)
PTD Short Description: Design Brief Children's Services Centres
AAC Short Organisation Name: Vic - DHS Community Care
PTW Tender Web Address: Link to Tender Index - please search with Ref No:RFQ QIU01
PTS Submission Conditions: 
PDP Tender Published Date: 17 Jan '04
PPC Tender Date Code: AUAH
PTT Tender Schedule: Timetable of tender process: 
ARFQ issuedSat 17-Jan-04
BSubmissions Due14:00Thu 19-Feb-04
CShort List3 weeksFri 05-Mar-04
CInterviews3 days10 to 12-Mar-04
DNotify Tenderers1 weekFri 19-Mar-04
ECommence Contract2 weeksThu 01-Apr-04
FDesign Draft 17 weeksMon 24-May-04
FFinal Draft7 weeksMon 05-Jul-04
FLayout Version4 weeksMon 02-Aug-04
GFinal Design3 weeksMon 23-Aug-04
PDQ Tender Questions Date: PDR Questions Response Date: PDC Submission Closing Date: 19 Feb '04 PDT Submission Closing Time (Local): 14:00 TGB Client Reference No: RFQ QIU01 PFI Further Information: Attachments No: 2 i) htm 6 Kb: Index Main RFQ Document
AAtt A:Background to project69
CAtt B:Specifications23
DAtt C:Conditions of RFQ96
EAtt D:Response Schedules55
A) htm 76 Kb: RFT Document A) doc 173 Kb: RFT Document B) htm 78 Kb: Standard Dep Human Services Contract B) doc 130 Kb: Standard Dep Human Services Contract PTE Description Details: DESIGN CHILDREN'S SERVICES CENTRES The Department of Human Services (department) is seeking suitably qualified and experienced parties to research, prepare and document a Design Brief for Children's Services Centres (Design Brief). The Design Brief shall set out minimum requirements in accordance with the current: a Children's Services Act 1996 (The Act) and b Children's Services regulations 1998 (The Regulations) and be used as a resource for the building of child care, preschool and integrated children's services centres OTHER GUIDELINES TO BE CONSIDERED - as at 19 Jan 2004 the direct links were not connected Children's Services - Licensing Operational Guide - www.dhs.vic.gov.au/commcare "Preschool or Kindergarden"/"Information for Operators"/"Children's Services Licensing Operational Guide" Outdoor Play- A Guide to Children's Services Centres - www.dhs.vic.gov.au/commcare "Preschool or Kindergarden"/"Information for Operators"/"Children's Services Licensing Operational Guide" Best Start for Children Td TGA The Tender Box: The Tender Box TGB Client Reference No: RFQ QIU01 TGC Tender Addressee: Director TGD Position: TGE Department: Family and Community Support Branch TGF Organisation: Department of Human Services TBA Room/Suite: TBB Floor: Level 1 TBC Building: TBD Street Number: 555 TBE Street: Collins Street TBF Suburb: MELBOURNE TBG State: Vic TBH Post code: 3000 TBI Country: Australia TMW Map for Location: TFI Further Information: Tf BRA Briefing Session Date: BRB Briefing Session Time: BRC Compulsory Attendance Y/N: BDR Briefing Registration Date: BTR Briefing Registration Time: BRO Number of Attendees: BRE E-mail Address: BRF Briefing Contact Officer - Preferred: BRG Briefing Contact Officer - Family: BRH Business Title: BRI Department: BRJ Tel Area Code: {61}(3) BRK Tel Number: BRL Fax Area Code: {61}(3) BRM Fax Number: BRN Mobile: Tg BSA Room/Suite: BSB Floor: BSC Building: BSD Street Number: BSE Street: BSF Suburb: MELBOURNE BSG State: Vic BSH Post code: 3000 BSI Country: Australia BMW Map for Location: BFI Further Information: Tb AAB Organisation: Vic - Department of Human Services - Community Care Division [CCD] ABA Room/Suite: ABB Floor: ABC Building: ABD Street Number: 555 ABE Street: Collins Street ABF Suburb: MELBOURNE ABG State: Vic ABH Post code: 3000 ABI Country: Australia AMW Map for Location: ABW Department Web Address: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/ - Family Support AFI Further Information: Tc ADC Tel Area Code: {61}(3) ADD Telephone No: 9616 7777 ADE Free Phone: 1800 136 066 - Health Service Complaints ADF Fax Area Code: {61}(3) ADG Fax Number: ADH Free Fax: ADJ Lodgment email Address: Tender E-mail Link ADW Lodgment Web Address: Tender Lodgment Web Link GFI Further Information: AMW Link to relevant maps: Vic Dep Human Services maps Te ACA PO Box: GPO Box 4057 ACB Post Office: ACC Suburb: MELBOURNE ACD State: Vic ACE Post code: 3001 ACF Country: Australia ACJ Department E-mail Address format: first.family-name@dhs.vic.gov.auDepartment E-mail Link ACW Contacts Web Address: Contacts Web Link CFI Further Information: PG1 Th PDE E-mail Address: PDF Documentation Officer - Preferred: PDG Documentation Officer - Family: PDH Business Title: PDI Department: PDJ Tel Area Code: {61}(3) PDK Tel Number: PDL Fax Area Code: {61}(3) PDM Fax Number: PDN Mobile: PDW Web Address: Tender Attachments PEW Web Address: Standard Tender Documents EFI Further Information: Attachments No: 2 i) htm 6 Kb: Index Main RFQ Document
AAtt A:Background to project69
CAtt B:Specifications23
DAtt C:Conditions of RFQ96
EAtt D:Response Schedules55
A) htm 76 Kb: RFT Document A) doc 173 Kb: RFT Document B) htm 78 Kb: Standard Dep Human Services Contract B) doc 130 Kb: Standard Dep Human Services Contract PTE Description Details: DESIGN CHILDREN'S SERVICES CENTRES The Department of Human Services (department) is seeking suitably qualified and experienced parties to research, prepare and document a Design Brief for Children's Services Centres (Design Brief). The Design Brief shall set out minimum requirements in accordance with the current: a Children's Services Act 1996 (The Act) and b Children's Services regulations 1998 (The Regulations) and be used as a resource for the building of child care, preschool and integrated children's services centres OTHER GUIDELINES TO BE CONSIDERED - as at 19 Jan 2004 the direct links were not connected Children's Services - Licensing Operational Guide - www.dhs.vic.gov.au/commcare "Preschool or Kindergarden"/"Information for Operators"/"Children's Services Licensing Operational Guide" Outdoor Play- A Guide to Children's Services Centres - www.dhs.vic.gov.au/commcare "Preschool or Kindergarden"/"Information for Operators"/"Children's Services Licensing Operational Guide" Best Start for Children Ti PME E-mail Address: PMF Project Manager - Preferred: PMG Project Manager - Family: PMH Business Title: PMI Department: PMJ Tel Area Code: {61}(3) PMK Tel Number: PML Fax Area Code: {61}(3) PMM Fax Number: PMN Mobile: MFI Further Information: Tj PCE E-mail Address: kathleen.o'hara@dhs.vic.gov.au PCF Contact - Preferred: Kathleen PCG Contact - Family: O'HARA PCH Business Title: PCI Department: PCJ Tel Area Code: {61}(3) PCK Tel Number: 9616 8793 PCL Fax Area Code: {61}(3) PCM Fax Number: PCN Mobile: NFI Further Information: Tk AAB Organisation: Vic - Department of Human Services LCA Room/Suite: LCB Floor: LCC Building: LCD Street Number: LCE Street: LCF Suburb: LCG State: LCH Post code: LCI Country: Australia LMW Map for Location: DFI Further Information:
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