AAE Industry Code: D
PTC Application Code: Bg
PTA Project Type: Expression of Interest [EOI]
PTD Short Description: Socio-economic Consultancy
AAC Short Organisation Name: Fed - Dep Env & Heritage
PTW Tender Web Address: Direct Link to Tender
PTS Submission Conditions: 
1	Late submission of tenders will NOT be accepted. 
2	Fax and email submissions will not be accepted.
PDP Tender Published Date: Fri 16 Apr '05
PPC Tender Date Code: AVDG
PTT Tender Schedule: Timetable of tender process: 
PDQ Tender Questions Date: 
PDR Questions Response Date: 
PDC Submission Closing Date: Tue 17 May '05
PDT Submission Closing Time (Local): 14:00
TGB Client Reference No: 45/2005DEH
PFI Further Information: Attachments No: 1
  A) pdf  72 Kb: EOI Document 
PTE Description Details:
Scientific and socio-economic consultancy dealing with biodiversity incentives in the rangelands 
The Department of the Environment and Heritage invites Expressions of Interest for a
multi-disciplinary consultancy (natural sciences and socio-economic) to assist the enabling of 
market-based approaches to biodiversity conservation in the rangelands.
The consultancy team would be required to:
1	Develop and field-test a rating scale for natural resource or management activities for 
	use in incentives programs in rangeland Australia.
2	Review existing market based conservation opportunities in the rangelands. 
	Compare these with design requirements and the economic feasibility of establishing 
	new conservation incentives, including for Indigenous managed lands.
3	If required following point 2, provide recommendations on what is needed to better 
	identify opportunities to invest in or supply to a market that delivers biodiversity 
	outcomes/products in rangeland Australia.
4	Test the rating scale and market options across four to five regions within the
	rangelands, by way of focus groups or other direct contact and access the degree of
	likely uptake of an incentive program and the degree of change (in terms of management
	change and/or areal extent).
The project is due to commence by July 2005 with completion no later than June 2006.
Deliverables for this project include publication in a professional/scientific journal, hardcopy
and web publishing as well as presentation to the next Australian Rangelands Conference in 2006.
TGA The Tender Box: The Tender Box
TGB Client Reference No: 45/2005DEH
TGC Tender Addressee: 
TGD Position: 
TGE Department: 
TGF Organisation: Fed - Department of the Environment and Heritage
TBA Room/Suite: 
TBB Floor: 
TBC Building: John Gorton Building
TBD Street Number: 
TBE Street: King Edward Terrace
TBG State: ACT 
TBH Post code: 2601
TBI Country: Australia
TMW Map for Location:
TFI Further Information: 

BRA Briefing Session Date: 
BRB Briefing Session Time: 
BRC Compulsory Attendance Y/N: 
BDR Briefing Registration Date: 
BTR Briefing Registration Time:  
BRO Number of Attendees:
BRE E-mail Address: 
BRF Briefing Contact Officer - Preferred:  
BRG Briefing Contact Officer - Family: 
BRH Business Title: 
BRI Department: 
BRJ Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
BRK Tel Number: 
BRL Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
BRM Fax Number: 
BRN Mobile: 

BSA Room/Suite: 
BSB Floor: 
BSC Building: 
BSD Street Number: 
BSE Street: 
BSF Suburb: 
BSG State: 
BSH Post code: 
BSI Country: Australia
BMW Map for Location:
BFI Further Information: 

AAB Organisation: Fed - Department of the Environment and Heritage
ABA Room/Suite: 
ABB Floor: 
ABC Building: John Gorton Building
ABD Street Number: 
ABE Street: King Edward Terrace
ABG State: ACT
ABH Post code: 2601
ABI Country: Australia
ABW Department Web Address: http://www.deh.gov.au/
AMW Map for Location:
AFI Further Information: 

ADC Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
ADD Telephone No: 6274 1111
ADE Free Phone: 
ADF Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
ADG Fax Number: 6274 1666
ADH Free Fax: 
ADJ Lodgment email Address: Tender E-mail Link
ADW Lodgment Web Address: Tender Lodgment Web Link
GFI Further Information: 

ACA PO Box: GPO Box 787
ACB Post Office: 
ACD State: ACT
ACE Post code: 2601
ACF Country: Australia
ACJ Department E-mail Address format: Department E-mail Link
ACW Contacts Web Address: Contacts Web Link
CFI Further Information:

PDE E-mail Address: john.morley@deh.gov.au
PDF Documentation Officer - Preferred: John
PDG Documentation Officer - Family: MORLEY
PDH Business Title: 
PDI Department: 
PDJ Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
PDK Tel Number: 6274 2249
PDL Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
PDM Fax Number: 
PDN Mobile: 
PDW Web Address:  Tender Attachments
PEW Web Address: Standard Tender Documents
PLW Web Address: Legislation referred to in this tender may include:
J	Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2003 (Cth)
I	Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)
H	Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997  (Cth)
G	Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997 (Cth)
F	Superannuation (Productivity Benefit) Act 1988 (Cth)
E	Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
D	Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
C	Section 70 - Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)
B	Section 79 - Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)
A	Quarantine Act 1908 (Cth)
EFI Further Information: Attachments No:  1
  A) pdf  72 Kb: EOI Document 
PME E-mail Address: 
PMF Project Manager - Preferred: 
PMG Project Manager - Family: 
PMH Business Title: 
PMI Department: 
PMJ Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
PMK Tel Number: 
PML Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
PMM Fax Number: 
PMN Mobile: 
MFI Further Information: 

PCE E-mail Address: john.morley@deh.gov.au
PCF Contact - Preferred: John
PCG Contact - Family: MORLEY
PCH Business Title: 
PCI Department: 
PCJ Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
PCK Tel Number: 6274 2249 
PCL Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
PCM Fax Number: 
PCN Mobile: 
NFI Further Information: 

AAB Organisation: Fed - Department of the Environment and Heritage
LCA Room/Suite: 
LCB Floor: 
LCC Building: John Gorton Building
LCD Street Number: 
LCE Street: King Edward Terrace
LCG State: ACT
LCH Post code: 2601
LCI Country: Australia
LMW Map for Location:
DFI Further Information: 

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