AAE Industry Code: D
PTC Application Code: Da
PTA Project Type: Call for Applications [CFA]
PTD Short Description: Funds: Market-based Instruments 
AAC Short Organisation Name: Fed - Dep Agri Fish & Frty
PTW Tender Web Address: Direct Link to Tender
PTS Submission Conditions: 
PDP Tender Published Date: Fri 20 Jan '06
PPC Tender Date Code: AWAK
PTT Tender Schedule: Timetable of tender process:
PDQ Tender Questions Date: 
PDR Questions Response Date: 
PDC Submission Closing Date: Fri 31 Mar '06
PDT Submission Closing Time (Local): 17:00
TGB Client Reference No: DAFF 32/05
PFI Further Information: Attachments No: 1
  A) htm  14 Kb: CFA Document 
  A) doc 115 Kb: CFA Document 
PTE Description Details:
Market-based instruments (MBIs) are proving to be a useful addition to existing natural resource
management tools.  
MBIs use trading mechanisms, auctions and price signals to change behaviour to benefit the
Rather than prescribing activities or technology use, MBIs have the potential to allow more 
flexibility in how an outcome is achieved.
Round One of the National MBI Pilot Program focused on individual policy mechanisms that could
be employed in natural resource and environmental management. 
Total funding allocated for the first round of pilots was $5 million, with second round funding
of up to $5 million announced on 2nd December 2005.
Round Two of the Program will continue to investigate innovations in MBIs and address remaining
knowledge gaps. 
Importantly it will build on the successes of Round One by focusing on moving MBIs from trial 
to implementation stage. 
This could involve pilots that examine how different policy mechanisms fit together (MBIs, 
legislation, education etc.) and applications to different landscape or environmental problems 
where this changes the design or application of MBIs. 
The purpose of these pilots is to provide a comprehensive response to complex natural resource 
management and environmental issues.
Pilots may be new discrete projects, or proposals developed from Round One pilots, however they
must focus on National Action Plan regions. 
Project teams should aim to build capacity to implement MBIs through, for example, field-based
pilots or 'experimental economics' techniques.  
Knowledge arising from the pilot should be relevant to all Australian jurisdictions and able to
be used to enhance the delivery of future environmental and natural resource management programs.
Submitting an initial proposal  
Expressions of interest should not be more than 1,000 words and need to address the following
Selection Criteria:
(a) 	Address salinity, water quality and/or biodiversity issues and focus on National Action 
	Plan for Salinity and Water Quality regions.
(b) 	Address priority knowledge gaps in the design and application of MBIs revealed through
	the operation of Round 1, as identified in the Independent Evaluation Report and the
	Overview Report of the MBI Working Group; 
(c) 	Be conceptually robust - well-grounded in economic principles and supported by good
	quality biophysical information;
(d) 	Engage relevant agents, such as regional groups, Catchment Management Authorities and
(e) 	Involve partners with the experience, skills and knowledge necessary to undertake the
(f) 	Incorporate appropriate strategies for evaluation; and
(g) 	Learnings should be relevant to all Australian jurisdictions
Conditions for Participation:  
See EOI documentation 
Timeframe for Delivery:  

TGA The Tender Box: The Tender Box
TGB Client Reference No: DAFF 32/05
TGC Tender Addressee: 
TGD Position: 
TGE Department: 
TGF Organisation: Fed - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
TBA Room/Suite: Reception Area 
TBB Floor: Floor 2
TBC Building: Edmund Barton Building
TBD Street Number: 
TBE Street: 402 Mair Street
TBG State: VIC
TBH Post code: 3350
TBI Country: Australia
TMW Map for Location:
TFI Further Information: 

BRA Briefing Session Date: 
BRB Briefing Session Time:  
BRC Compulsory Attendance Y/N: 
BDR Briefing Registration Date: 
BTR Briefing Registration Time:  
BRO Number of Attendees:
BRE E-mail Address: 
BRF Briefing Contact Officer - Preferred: 
BRG Briefing Contact Officer - Family: 
BRH Business Title: 
BRI Department: 
BRJ Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
BRK Tel Number: 
BRL Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
BRM Fax Number: 
BRN Mobile: 

BSA Room/Suite: 
BSB Floor: 
BSC Building: 
BSD Street Number: 
BSE Street: 
BSF Suburb: 
BSG State: 
BSH Post code: 
BSI Country: Australia
BMW Map for Location:
BFI Further Information: 

AAB Organisation: Fed - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
ABA Room/Suite: 
ABB Floor: 
ABC Building: Edmund Barton Building
ABD Street Number: 
ABE Street: Broughton Street
ABG State: ACT
ABH Post code: 2600
ABI Country: Australia
AMW Map for Location:
ABW Department Web Address: http://www.affa.gov.au/
AFI Further Information: 

ADC Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
ADD Telephone No: 6272 3933
ADE Free Phone: 
ADF Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
ADG Fax Number: 
ADH Free Fax: 
ADJ Lodgment email Address: Tender E-mail Link
ADW Lodgment Web Address: Tender Lodgment Web Link
GFI Further Information: 

ACA PO Box: GPO Box 858
ACB Post Office: 
ACD State: ACT
ACE Post code: 2601
ACF Country: Australia
ACJ Department E-mail Address format: Department E-mail Link
ACW Contacts Web Address: Contacts Web Link
CFI Further Information:

PDE E-mail Address: coral.hiscock@dpi.vic.gov.au
PDF Documentation Officer - Preferred: Coral
PDG Documentation Officer - Family: HISCOCK
PDH Business Title: 
PDI Department: 
PDJ Tel Area Code: {61}(3)
PDK Tel Number: 5336 6614
PDL Fax Area Code: {61}(3)
PDM Fax Number: 
PDN Mobile: 
PDW Web Address: Tender Attachments
PEW Web Address: Australian Government Locator Service - AGSL
PLW Legislation referred to in this tender may include: 
EFI Further Information: Attachments No:  1
  A) htm  14 Kb: CFA Document 
  A) doc 115 Kb: CFA Document 
PME E-mail Address: 
PMF Project Manager - Preferred: 
PMG Project Manager - Family: 
PMH Business Title: 
PMI Department: 
PMJ Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
PMK Tel Number:  
PML Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
PMM Fax Number: 
PMN Mobile: 
MFI Further Information: 

PCE E-mail Address: coral.hiscock@dpi.vic.gov.au
PCF Contact - Preferred: Coral
PCG Contact - Family: HISCOCK
PCH Business Title: 
PCI Department: 
PCJ Tel Area Code: {61}(3)
PCK Tel Number: 5336 6614
PCL Fax Area Code: {61}(3)
PCM Fax Number: 
PCN Mobile: 
NFI Further Information: 

AAB Organisation: Fed - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
LCA Room/Suite: 
LCB Floor: 
LCC Building: 
LCD Street Number: 
LCE Street: 
LCF Suburb: 
LCG State: ACT
LCH Post code: 
LCI Country: Australia
LMW Map for Location:
DFI Further Information: 

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