EVENT:	XZIG Technical Education/Awareness Seminar

TOPIC:	Financial & Human Resources for e-Commerce Tenders 

DATE:	Tue 12 Nov 2002				TIME:  18:00 - 21:00

VENUE:	Faculty of IT
	University Technology Sydney 
	R 2.230 - 235 Jones Street
	BROADWAY   2007

THEME:	How E-tenders can provide funding and revenue for SMEs


	18:00		Welcome	 				Justin WERNER

	18:05		Meeting Sponsor -		 	Alice WATKINS
			Faculty of IT				Director, Industry Liaison
			University Technology Sydney 

	18:20		TIMS as a Business Service		Ken BROMFIELD

	18:35		Review Lgov -NSW "local-e" tender	Stephen GOULD
			a	Tender				Projects Co-ordinator
			b	Review of Tender Requirements	OIC
			c	Draft Questions for LZIG Members to consider

	19:20		Questions

	19:30		Networking

	21:00		Finish

HANDOUTS - 40 copies						8 pages

A	Agenda							1 page
B	Combined Presentations					4 pages
C	Project Matrix - ZIGs & ZAGs				1 page	
D	OIC TIMS XML Schema					2 pages
E	Faculty IT UTS					Link to Web page

								8 pages

Revised: S: 05:49 Thu 18/10/2001 Syd 2089
F: 06:58 Thu 18/10/2001 Syd 2089
Who: sgg
Authorised: sgg
Created: 19:07 Wed 17/10/2000 Syd 2089
By: sggb
Revision: 3b5d1a.003
Original Page: 3b4
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