This is the draft schema for consideration as an XML Schema for Electronic Tenders.

This page has links to tables providing options for key fields relating to tender details. 

These tables reduce input inaccuracies, significantly reduce communications time and costs
as well as automating key report processes for management decisions.

Public response is requested by 17:00 Fri 23 Nov 2001.

Please e-mail responses to Att Herman INOZ 

A       < T1A>Information Technology Tender

        a       < TD0>Tender Details< /TD0>
                1       < TD1>Tender Response Details< /TD1>
                2       < OD4>Tender Address
                3       < BS1>Briefing Session< /BS1>
                4       < BS2>Briefing Address< /BS2>

        b       < OD0>Organisation Details< /OD0>  
                1       < OD1>Physical Address< /OD1>
                2       < OD2>Contact Address< /OD2>
                3       < OD3>Post Office Contact Address< /OD3>

        c       < PG1>Project Contacts< /PG1>
                1       < DC1>Documentation Contact Details< /DC1>   
                2       < PM1>Project Manager Details< /PM1>
                3       < PC1>Project Contact Details< /PC1>
                        < /T1A>

        a       < TD0>Tender Details< /TD0>
                1       < TD1>Tender Response Details< /TD1>
                        a       < A2E>Tender Ref< /A2E>
                        b       < AAE>Industry Code< /AAE>
                        c       < PTC>Application Code< /PTC>
                        d       < PTA>Project Type< /PTA>
                        e       < PTD>Short Description< /PTD>
                        f       < AAC>Short Organisation Name< /AAC>
                        g       < ADM>Web Address< /ADM>
                        h       < PTS>Tender Conditions< /PTS>
                        i       < PDD>Tender Publish Date< /PDD>
                        j       < PTB>Tender Publish Time< /PTB>
                        k       < PDB>Tender Open Date< /PDB>
                        l       < PTO>Tender Open Time< /PTO>
                        m       < PDC>Tender Closing Date< /PDC>
                        n       < PTP>Tender Closing Time (Local) < /PTP>
                        o       < PFI>Further Information< /PFI>        
                        p       < PTE>Description Details< /PTE> 

                2       < OD4>Tender Address< /OD4>
                        a       < TGA>The Tender Box< /TGA>
                        b       < TGB>Reference No< /TGB>
                        c       < TGC>Tender Addressee< /TGC> 
                        d       < TGD>Position< /TGD> 
                        e       < TGE>Department< /TGE> 
                        f       < TGF>Organisation< /TGF>
                        g       < TBA>Room/Suite< /TBA> 
                        h       < TBB>Floor< /TBB>      
                        i       < TBC>Building< /TBC> 
                        j       < TBD>Street Number< /TBD>      
                        k       < TBE>Street< /TBE> 
                        l       < TBF>Suburb< /TBF> 
                        m       < TBG>State< /TBG> 
                        n       < TBH>Post code< /TBH> 
                        o       < TBI>Country< /TBI> 
                        p       < TFI>Further Information< /TFI> 

                3       < BS1>Briefing Session< /BS1>
                        a       < BRA>Briefing Session Date< /BRA> 
                        b       < BRB>Briefing Session Time< /BRB> 
                        c       < BRC>Compulsory Attendance Y/N< /BRC> 

                4       < BS2>Briefing Address< /BS2>
                        a       < BSA>Room/Suite< /BSA> 
                        b       < BSB>Floor< /BSB> 
                        c       < BSC>Building< /BSC> 
                        d       < BSD>Street Number< /BSD>
                        e       < BSE>Street< /BSE> 
                        f       < BSF>Suburb< /BSF>     
                        g       < BSG>State< /BSG> 
                        h       < BSH>Post code< /BSH> 
                        i       < BSI>Country< /BSI>
                        j       < BFI>Further Information< /BFI>        

        b       < OD0>Organisation Details< /OD0>  
                1       < OD1>Physical Address< /OD1>
                        a       < AAB>Organisation< /AAB>
                        b       < ABA>Room/Suite< /ABA>
                        c       < ABB>Floor< /ABB>
                        d       < ABC>Building< /ABC> 
                        e       < ABD>Street Number< /ABD>
                        f       < ABE>Street< /ABE> 
                        g       < ABF>Suburb< /ABF>
                        h       < ABG>Post code< /ABG>
                        i       < ABH>State< /ABG> 
                        j       < ABI>Country< /ABI >
                        k       < OFI>Further Information< /OFI> 

                2       < OD2>Contact Address< /OD2>
                        a       < LCA>Room/Suite< /LCA>
                        b       < LCB>Floor< /LCB>
                        c       < LCC>Building< /LCC>
                        d       < LCD>Street Number< /LCD>
                        e       < LCE>Street< /LCE>
                        f       < LCF>Suburb< /LCF>
                        g       < LCG>State< /LCG>
                        h       < LCH>Post code< /LCH> 
                        i       < LCI>Country< /LCI>
                        j       < DFI>Furher Information< /DFI>

                3       < OD3>Post Office Contact Address< /OD3>
                        a       < ACA>PO Box< /ACA> 
                        b       < ACB>Post Office< /ACB>
                        c       < ACC>Suburb< /ACC>
                        d       < ACD>State< /ACD>
                        e       < ACE>Post code< /ACE>
                        f       < ACF>Country< /ACF>
                        g       < CFI>Further Information< /CFI> 

        c       < PG1>Project Contacts< /PG1>
                1       < DC1>Documentation Contact Details< /DC1>   
                        a       < PDF>Documentation Officer - Preferred< /PDF> 
                        b       < PDG>Documentation Officer - Family< /PDG>
                        c       < PDH>Business Title< /PDH>     
                        d       < PDI>Department< /PDI>
                        e       < PDJ>Tel Area Code< /PDJ>
                        f       < PDK>Tel Number< /PDK>
                        g       < PDM>Fax Number< /PDM>
                        h       < PDL>E-mail Address< /PDL>
                        i       < PDN>Mobile< /PDN>
                        j       < PDW>Documentation Web Address< /PDW>
                        k       < EFI>Further Information< /EFI> 

                2       < PM1>Project Manager Details< /PM1>
                        a       < PMF>Project manager - Preferred< /PMF>
                        b       < PMG>Project Manager - Family< /PMG>
                        c       < PMH>Business Title< /PMH>
                        d       < PMI>Department< /PMI>
                        e       < PMJ>Tel Area Code< /PMJ>
                        f       < PMK>Tel Number< /PMK>
                        g       < PMM>Fax Number< /PMM>
                        h       < PML>E-mail Address< /PML>
                        i       < PMN>Mobile< /PMN>
                        j       < MFI>Further Information< /MFI> 

                3       < PC1>Project Contact Details< /PC1>
                        a       < PCF>Contact - Preferred< /PCF>
                        b       < PCG>Contact - Family< /PCG>
                        c       < PCH>Business Title< /PCH>
                        d       < PCI>Department< /PCI>
                        e       < PCJ>Tel Area Code< /PCJ>
                        f       < PCK>Tel Number< /PCK>
                        g       < PCM>Fax Number< /PCM>
                        h       < PCL>E-mail Address< /PCL>
                        i       < PCN>Mobile< /PCN>
                        j       < NFI>Further Information< /NFI>

Revised: S: 05:49 Thu 18/10/2001 Syd 2089
F: 06:58 Thu 18/10/2001 Syd 2089
Who: sgg
Authorised: sgg
Created: 19:07 Wed 17/10/2000 Syd 2089
By: sggb
Revision: 3b5d1a.003
Original Page: 3b4
Change date: