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These Refugee projects require Capital Equipment, Materials, Perishable Materials as well
As Human Resources to succeed
On-line minutes can be one way of promoting Sponsors' web-sites
The background to this Zambian Refugee project can be reviewed On-line here
Minutes: Wed 02 May 2018 REF:UNAACMd1
ZIG/ZAG: UNDP-Zambia Refugee Program - UNA
Objectives: 1 Review "Climate Change & Agriculture" and "Community & Culture" questions
2 Confirm importance Resettlement Demographics
3 Review On-line Maps & On-line Settlement Plans
Date: Tue 01 May 2018 Time:17:30 - 18:30
Venue: Balgowlah RSL Contact: Stephen GOULD
30 Ethel Street SAN Projects Co-ordinator
BALGOWLAH 2092 {61}(4)1600-9468
Peter AXTENS [PMA] Chr Y Janece WILLS [JPW] Y
Gloria OMODEI [GMO] E Carline DUFFY [CJD] E
Tim CHENKO [TMC] Y Stephen GOULD [SGG] Sec Y
Kathy REID [KCR] Y
The Topics for On-line discussion by 1st year Engineering students at 30 Participating
Universities that are members of EWB are:
A Climate change - 8 questions
B Community and Culture - 15 questions
C Energy - 27 questions
D General Discussion - 75 questions
E Housing - 28 questions
F ICT [Information and Communications Technologies] - 8 questions
G Transport - 14 questions
H WASH [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene] - 21 questions
I Waste - 26 questions
A 17:30-17:50 - Review "Climate Change & Agriculture" and Community & Culture" topics
The meeting agreed the minutes and plan for the meeting on Tue 17 Apr 2018
PMA said SGG and himself had agreed an email to UNDP-Zambia requesting accurate
Demographics for the Mayukwayukwa Resettlement area as this is a very key issue
There was a possibility that UNDP-Zambia may not have that information
immediately available so there may be a delay of a few week before
those details are provided by UNDP-Zambia
There were a number of other questions that had been submitted but these
questions may be answered in some of the other topic sections
GMO had submitted an email about how few of the references could be accessed
The meeting agreed that an email requesting UNDP-Zambia to provide access
to thoose On-line Attachements
B 17:50-18:10 - Review Maps and Settlement Plans
SGG said a number of people had expressed diffuclt in linking the questions
with the surroundings and plots of land hence the Maps, Water-point locations
with the Plots of Land plan had been placed On-line at all times for the On-line
The meeting reviewed these Maps
A Map showing Zambia's location in relation to other African Countries
B UNHCR Zambia locations
C Mayukwayukwa Resettlement Location on Google Earth
D Hand drawn map of water point locations in Mayukwayukwa
E Map of Plots of Land & Water Locations in Mayukwayukwa
F Map from Local Integration Strategic Framework
The meeting also agreed that the Videos should be retained in the minutes as a
future reference point
1 Welcome to Mayukwayukwa and the EWB Challenge 8'03"
Meet representatives from UNHCR and their implementing partners and hear about what
they would like you to think about as you work on your projects!
2 More information on Pit Latrines 4'23"
Interview with Alfred Muyunda Muyunda, Field Coordinator - Department of Water
3 A day in Mayukwayukwa 5'30"
typical day in the life of Mercy Zezu, a resident of the Mayukwayukwa refugee settlement.
How to pronounce Mayukwayukwa ? "May -Yook - Wa - Yook - Wa"
4 Almost Home 5'30
Former Angolan refugees, in exile for as many as three decades, are given the
opportunity to locally integrate in neighbouring Zambia with the help of UNHCR and
the Zambian Government
Other UNHCR/EWB Videos, documents and Maps can be reviewed here
C 18:10-18:30 - Discussion on Women's roles in Resettlement areas
SGG: Said a number of other ladies had been invited to joint the Committee On-line
to provide a response on the Female Sub-Committee
The meeting reviewed some of the questions from General Discussion and WASH and
agreed is important to have a Female Sub-Committee to address a number of issues in
many part of the world without running water including
1 Female Hygiene
2 Young children
3 Education
4 Division of work cultures
5 Supporting sick and old people in family units
18:30 Chair closed Meeting
Date: Tue 15 May 2018 Time: 17:30 - 18:30
Venue: Balgowlah RSL E:
30 Ethel St P:{61}(2) 9949 5477
1 Energy & ICT topics On-line SGG All F 2018/05/04
2 Email UNDP-Zambia re attachments SGG All M 2018/05/07
3 Review "Energy" and "ICT" topics All All by H 2018/05/10
4 Submit Questions re "Energy" & "ICT" All SGG F 2018/05/11
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