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D	2009/01/31	UK Unis - Council eResearch Opportunities

C	2009/01/28	Local Shop-keepers - Council as a temporary Community Bank

B	2009/01/22	Councillors - Working together to reduce Council's costs

A	2008/12/15	Residents - DA Levies, acting as an "ADI" and Council Accounts Notes

Link to:

1	agreed International PDF form and web-page Standards 22 Dec 2006

2	Examples of multiple name & address, mobile and email PDF and web-page formats

3	why ISO 8601 Time and Date Standard so important for Electronic Communications

4	Electronic Association Information Management [EAIM]

5	1999-2005 Federal & State Electronic Transaction Acts [ETA] 

6	Oct 2006 "Unconscionable Conduct" by CIT Industries

7	Sep 2000 NSW Local Government Syndicate - standard Name & Address format

8	Dec 2006 Rio Tinto WA Future Fund "Volunteer Management Scheme" [RTVMS] 

9	Links to other relevant articles


Health Issues
2009/01/26 SMH: Hospital suppliers not paid for 3 months
2008/08/29 NSW Health - why 22-page PDF internal job form ? 
2009/01/26 SMH: Eco homes to give dirty industries a free ride
2009/01/26 SMH: Housing "severely unaffordable"

On-line Standards HTM v PDF v JPG access
2001/09/28 PDF file "NOIE On-line Standards Essential"
2001/09/28 HTM File "Meeting Agenda 28 Sep 2001"
2001/09/28 HTM PPT "NOIE On-line Standards Essential"
2002/02/05 HTM file "Minutes ebXML Meeting 05 Feb 2002"

Mosman Cnl - Community Engagement Strategy [CES]
2009/03/02 Recommendation about "Community Engagement Strategy"
2009/03/02 Draft "Community Engagement Strategy" - Frontpage
2009/03/02 A:Introduction B:Purpose C:Scope D: Benefits
2009/03/02 E:Terms Used F:Leigslation
2009/03/02 G:Community Engagement Strategy
2009/03/02 H:Strategy 1 - Inform
2009/03/02 H:Strategy 1/2 - Inform/Consult
2009/03/02 I:Strategy 2 - Consult
2009/03/02 I:Strategy 2/3 - Consult/Involve
2009/03/02 J:Strategy 3 - Involve
2009/03/02 J:Strategy 3 - Involve
2009/03/02 K:Principles Checklist

Mosman Football Club 2009 2009-2012 Plan
2008/12/10: Letter from President to Mayor
2008/12/10: 2009 13 Initiatives for 2009
2008/12/10: 2009 Club Organisation for 102 Teams and 1,400 Players
2008/12/10: Mosman FC part of MWFA, FFA, FIFA 
2008/12/10: Further 33-44 Volunteers required
2008/12/10: Mosman Council provides 6 grounds - only 3 have floodlights
2008/12/10: Mosman FC objectives 2009-2012
2002/01/01: Dep Families & Community Services: Dollar Value of Volunteering

Example of ineffective TIO Complaints process
2009/02/09: Complaint lodged with TIO about Soul Communication
2008/10/17: Letter to Soul Communications about costs
2009/01/19: Payment $31 for Feb 2009 "Never Pay for dial-up Again" Contract
2009/01/20: 3rd Soul Motice of Disconnection

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Created: 11:00 Sat 2004/10/23 Syd 2065
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