Looking for something different for Mum for Mother's day ?
Why not have a family photo with Milk & Honey or if she wants to send emails from her laptop, iPhone or PDA look at smtp2Go !!
As we have lost the two opening games 0-3 and 0-8, Matt & I discussed how we need to take positive action quickly so that the players could get the skills and confidence during the school holidays to score more goals. Here is a proposed 15 minutes daily soccer practice for the Mums & Dads to play with their players. A Warm-up - 2 minutes B Dribbling - 4 minutes C Passing - 4 minutes D Shooting - 4 minutes E Cool-down - 1 minute A WARM-UP - 2 MINUTES This gets the players in the habit of warming-up rather than just starting to play the game - it also makes sure Mum and Dad do not pull a muscle too ! 1 Stretch up on toes - 10 times 2 Full knee bends - 10 times 3 Body twists - 10 times B DRIBBLING PRACTICE - 4 MINUTES 1 Place 3 articles about 3 meters apart on the ground from a base-line 2 1st person dibbles ball out in and out of each article and returns to the base-line 3 2nd person does exactly the same 4 Each person does it 3 times C PASSING PRACTICE - 4 MINUTES 1 Short passing - each person stands 1 metre apart and pass the ball 5 times to each other 2 Medium passing - each person stands 3 metres apart and pass the ball 4 times to each other 3 Long passing - each person stands 5 metres apart and pass the ball 3 times to each other D SHOOTING PRACTICE - 4 MINUTES 1 One person goes in goal and the other person practices 5 kicks at goal 2 Change round so that the player can practice goal saving 3 This could be carried out 2 or 3 times - Prize for the best shot, goal or save is up to each family E COOL-DOWN - 1 MINUTE 1 A few stretches to finish off the session
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Revised: S: 10:40 Tue 2005/04/05 Syd 2089
F: 10:45 Tue 2005/04/05 Syd 2089
Who: aer
Authorised: sgg
Created: 21:43 Sat 2005/04/02 Syd 2089
By: sgg
Revision: 3a4.002
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