MEMORANDUM OF PROJECT PARTICIPATION This Memorandum of Project Participation comprises the following sections: A Authority to Represent B Dispute Resolution C Accreditation for XML Standards D Support of Prime Contractor E Accept payment by Royalties for Contract variance issues F Acceptance G Glossary of Terms A AUTHORITY TO REPRESENT Aa I [PREFERRED] [FAMILY], [POSITION] am the authorised Representative of [ORG] on the Open Interchange Consortium {OIC}. Ab I am authorised to confirm that my Company wishes to be included as a member of the OIC Project Consortium for the submission to the Lgov-NSW e-local tender. B DISPUTE RESOLUTION Ba I confirm that my organisation and any consultants, suppliers and sub-contractors engaged for this project are prepared to abide by the Dispute Resolution process established by the OIC for this project. Bb I confirm that my organisation and any consultants, suppliers and sub-contractors engaged for this project are prepared to accept the decision of the Dispute Resolution Committee comprising 5 members of the OIC project team and 2 external members Bb I confirm that my organisation and any consultants, suppliers and sub-contractors engaged for this project are prepared to abide by the decision of the Dispute Resolution Committee established for this project C ACCREDITATION FOR XML STANDARDS AND GOVERNMENT STANDARDS Ca I and my organisation understand that many Government contracts wish to consider applications that use XML schemas. Cb I confirm that any person engaged in this project for technical e-application developments will be trained in XML standards or provide an XML Accreditation Cc I confirm my organisation will endeavour to engage people on this project that are familiar with the Mandatory Requirements of the NSW State Government Policy documents D SUPPORT OF PRIME CONTRACTOR Da I and my organisation are committed to support the OIC in its efforts to ensure that the Prime Contractor for this project can meet the objectives and timescales for this project Db We recognise that there will be mistakes with specification and interpretation. We are prepared to use the OIC Project Variance Identification [PVI] process as part of the Dispute Resolution Process as an indication of support for the Prime Contractor E ACCEPT PAYMENT BY ROYALTIES FOR CONTRACT VARIANCE ISSUES Ea I confirm that my organisation accepts that membership of the OIC includes remuneration by licence of Intellectual Property Royalties [IPRs] and services Eb I confirm that my organisation accepts that in the event of a contract variance that the decision by the Dispute Resolution Committee to offer compensation from IPRs from other projects will be considered Ec I confirm that my organisation accepts that part of that payment may be in the form of an E-credit offset eg Travel, Accommodation, Education Credits F ACCEPTANCE I sign this memorandum as confirmation of my organisation's willingness to: 1 participate in this project 2 participate in this project as part of a consortium 3 participate as a fully paid up project participation member of the OPEN INTERCHANGE CONSORTIUM [OIC] SIGNED: ............................................. DATE: .../......./....... NAME: DD-MMM-YYYY .......................................... PLACE: POSTION .......................................... ORGANISATION WITNESS .......................................... NAME: G GLOSSARY DCITA Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts ebXML Australia - responsible for Australian XML implemented applications New Structure 25 Oct 2002 1 CFT - Forum Co-ordination Team 2 TBG - Trade & Business Process Group 3 ICG - Information Content Group 4 ATG - Applied Technology Group 5 TMG - Technologies & Methodologies Group 6 LG - Legal Group EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration Commerce & Trade NOIE National Office for the Information Economy OASIS Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards SME Small & Medium-size Enterprises TIMS Tender Information Management Services XML Extensible Mark-up Language