OIC Membership Benefits 2008
The Benefits for a member of the Open Interchange Consortium [OIC] include: A ACCESS TO NEW BUSINESS PROMOTION OPPORTUNITIES Sponsoring local social networking intitiatives eg "Junior Sports Information System [JSIS]" and the "local Kids Safe-at-Sport Network [KSAS-Au]" B AWARENESS OF NEW eBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES The new eBusinesss Opportunties like Carbon Credits and Water Credits C GOVERNMENT FUNDING SCHEMES FOR RESEARCH & FOR ELECTRONIC INITIATIVES As a Participating Project Member a company can participate in Consortia to respond to these tenders to take advantage of currently over 15 Government funding initiatives for Research & Electonic Initiatives D LOW-COST LONG-TERM PROFILE RAISING As a Participating Project Member a company can sponsor events and programmes to raise the profile of your organisation in Australia and the International marketplace. The OIC utilises an e-mail contact list of: 1 Australia/New Zealand contacts - 12,000 2 Asia-Pacific contacts - 30,000 3 World-wide contacts - 80,000 Event Sponsorship fees for Australian events are $ 1,500. This provides 4 weekly e-mails to the e-mail contact list to promote the event and the member's company/product/service Programme Sponsorship is for a series of events over a 12 month period. Programme Sponsorship fees are $ 1,000 per month for a 12 month programme or $ 10,000 for a one-off payment An example of Programme Sponsorship is the 2002 program sponsored by CSC Australia "Benefits of E-business for Small & Medium size Enterprises [SMES]" E AT THE FOREFRONT OF CHANGES IN BUSINESS PROCESSES AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES Participation in Special Interest Groups at the forefront of Information Technology issues. Current active ZIGs include: 1 FZIG - Free Trade Agreements 2 XZIG - XML & E-commerce 3 OZIG - Open Source & Linux 4 LZIG - Local Government F REGULAR NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES Regular events to: 1 provide opportunities to promote members' web-sites/products/services 2 meet potential project participants 3 discuss key issues that affect business and trade
Membership Options 2008
Membership Services by Option
Sole Consultancya) Notice of Eventsb) Twice Weekly Notices of Projectsc) 1 contact only receives e-mail noticesd) eGallery Services
Small Business 2 - 10 Employeesa) Notice of Eventsb) Twice Weekly Notices of Projectsc) 3 contacts receive e-mail noticesd) eGallery Services
$ 1,500.00
SME business 11 - 50 Employees a) Notice of Eventsb) Twice Weekly Notices of Projectsc) 7 contacts receive e-mail noticesd) eGallery Services
$ 2,500.00
Project Participation a) Notice of Eventsb) Twice Weekly Notices of Projectsc) 12 contacts receive e-mail noticesd) eGallery Servicese) Consortia for project submissions and IPRsf) Can Sponsor Programmes and Events
1 Membership fees are fixed for 3 years from date of joining 2 Project Participation membership entitles project participants to Intellectual Property Royalties [IPRs] for 3 years from the end of the Project Participation contract 3 The Applicant is the person who will take responsibility for the other access IDs and act as information co-ordinator 4 Each member is encouraged to participate in an OIC committee, Specific Industry Group (ZIG) or Specific Application Group (ZAG) 5 Contacts can include a mix of employees and Channel Partners
1 Membership is for 12 months. 2 The Membership fee is payable to the OIC. 3 OIC Membership fees do not include GST as the OIC has a turnover of less than $ 100,000 4 An Invoice is only issued after the Membership Application has been accepted by the Membership Committee and full payment has been received 5 If the MONTHLY membership payment option is selected and payment is not by credit card the Membership Fee is payable by DIRECT CREDIT only 6 The first 3 months (Qtr) Membership fee is required for the monthly membership options. 7 Cheque payments will be accepted for the Annual Membership fee payment but not for Monthly payments. 8 Please post annual membership cheques with a copy of the membership application form to: Membership Application Committee OPEN INTERCHANGE CONSORTIUM PO Box 517 NEUTRAL BAY JUNCTION NSW 2089
To complete for your membership application electronically please link to OIC Membership Application