There are a number of International electronic Standards that have been develop for International Trade including UN/EDIFACT - ISO 9735 and Date & Time - ISO 8601 Although both these Standards for eCommerce were published in 1987 neither has been implemented to obtain critical mass from Business users ie Small & Medium size Enterprises [SMEs]. In the meantime eMail has become the accepted communication medium for both local, National and International Trade communications - ref December issue Image & Data Manager "Gambling with Record-keeping Compliance" eg US Sarbanes-Oxley Act and proposed Aus Corporate Law Economic Reform Program [CLERP]. However during Jan 2006 it appears that a number of people involved with the "Time & Date - ISO 8601" standard found that it could not cater for Time-zones. This Thread can be reviewed on proposed ISO 8601/ebXML Work Group. Due to the importance of Government Tenders and eCommerce in the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement [Aus-USA FTA], it has been proposed to apply for a joint Aus/US Government grant to quickly remediate this issue and facilitate International Trade. The Education Seminar on Thu 24 Jan 2006 will review the plan for a joint-venture project team to resolve the Time-zone issue by Christmas 2006.
EVENT | eBusiness FTAs | TOPIC | Time-zones & Trade |
DATE | Tue 24 Jan 2006 | TIME | 16:00 - 18:00 |
VENUE | QANTAS Theatrette AAPT Building 259 George Street SYDNEY 2000 |
TRANSPORT | Train: Wynyard Bus: Wynyard Car: Meters/Car Park |
Registration for eSeminar - Early Bird by 17:00 Tue 17 Jan 2006
16:00 | Welcome | ||
16:10 | Seminar Sponsor | Halisa International Network | |
16:15 | Overview Time & Date Standards | Peter HENRY | Date & Time - ISO 8601 |
16:45 | Proposed joint-venture project | Stephen GOULD | Chair OIC XML & Ecommerce |
17:30 | Questions | ||
18:00 | Finish |