AAE Industry Code: D
PTC Application Code: Bg
PTA Project Type: Request for Tender [RFT]
PTD Short Description: Research Water Management
AAC Short Organisation Name: Fed - Dep Agri Fish & Frty
PTW Tender Web Address: Direct Link to Tender
PTS Submission Conditions: 
PDP Tender Published Date: Wed 23 Feb '05
PPC Tender Date Code: AVBO
PTT Tender Schedule: Timetable of tender process:
PDQ Tender Questions Date: 
PDR Questions Response Date: 
PDC Submission Closing Date: Mon 21 Mar '05
PDT Submission Closing Time (Local): 16:00
TGB Client Reference No: 04/7345
PFI Further Information: Attachments No: 1
  A) htm  123 Kb: RFT Document 

PTE Description Details:
To research the issue of third party access in the water industry and the implications for water
management in Australia. 
DAFF is seeking responses from Consultant (s) with experience in researching issues associated with 
water management (specifically competition/privatisation). 
The focus of this research will be on third party access to water supply and service 
infrastructure and the implications for water management in Australia. 
It is expected that there will be four major components to this research: 
A	The first component requires a desktop review of the institutional and regulatory framework covering third party 
	access to water infrastructure in Australia and the impediments to third party access; 
B	The second component requires a qualitative survey and analysis of the views and attitudes towards third party 
	access to water infrastructure from Australian stakeholders who play key roles or have an interest in water services.
C	The third component requires a review and analysis of case studies or reports into third party access to the water
	industry that are relevant to Australia. 
	This analysis may also utilise relevant case studies or reports from other industries in Australia or overseas. 
D	The fourth component will provide advice as to whether the scope and potential for third party access can be met by
	existing institutional frameworks. 
The desktop review, stakeholder surveys and case study analysis would be written up as a report to DAFF.
It is expected that this analysis will provide governments and water industry stakeholders with information about third 
party access in the water industry and the potential for this to improve efficiency in water supply and services management.
The issues to be examined could include the following: 
a	What are the implications of third party access for market structure in the water industry? 
b	The potential for investment in this industry from third parties; 
c	The potential savings/efficiency gains from third party access for downstream water users? 
d	What kind of comparisons can be drawn with the water industry from other industries that have been opened up to 
	third party access such as gas and electricity? 
This project will also examine public interest issues such as: 
1	Issues associated with community service obligations; 
2	Health and environmental issues; 
3	The potential impacts on water quality. 
The report should also address the question of how third party access might impact on the objectives for the National 
Competition Policy and National Water Initiative focus on reform (including full cost recovery, consumption-based pricing,
best practise pricing etc). 
Organisations or individuals interested in tendering must address the evaluation criteria in the
format outlined in the Request for Tender (RFT) document. 
TGA The Tender Box: The Tender Box
TGB Client Reference No: 04/7345
TGC Tender Addressee: 
TGD Position: 
TGE Department: 
TGF Organisation: Fed - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
TBA Room/Suite: 
TBB Floor: 
TBC Building:
TBD Street Number: 
TBE Street: 
TBF Suburb: 
TBG State: ACT
TBH Post code: 
TBI Country: Australia
TMW Map for Location:
TFI Further Information: 

BRA Briefing Session Date: 
BRB Briefing Session Time:  
BRC Compulsory Attendance Y/N: 
BDR Briefing Registration Date: 
BTR Briefing Registration Time:  
BRO Number of Attendees:
BRE E-mail Address: 
BRF Briefing Contact Officer - Preferred: 
BRG Briefing Contact Officer - Family: 
BRH Business Title: 
BRI Department: 
BRJ Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
BRK Tel Number: 
BRL Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
BRM Fax Number: 
BRN Mobile: 

BSA Room/Suite: 
BSB Floor: 
BSC Building: 
BSD Street Number: 
BSE Street: 
BSF Suburb: 
BSG State: 
BSH Post code: 
BSI Country: Australia
BMW Map for Location:
BFI Further Information: 

AAB Organisation: Fed - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
ABA Room/Suite: 
ABB Floor: 
ABC Building: Edmund Barton Building
ABD Street Number: 
ABE Street: Broughton Street
ABG State: ACT
ABH Post code: 2600
ABI Country: Australia
AMW Map for Location:
ABW Department Web Address: http://www.affa.gov.au/
AFI Further Information: 

ADC Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
ADD Telephone No: 6272 3933
ADE Free Phone: 
ADF Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
ADG Fax Number: 
ADH Free Fax: 
ADJ Lodgment email Address: Tender E-mail Link
ADW Lodgment Web Address: Tender Lodgment Web Link
GFI Further Information: 

ACA PO Box: GPO Box 858
ACB Post Office: 
ACD State: ACT
ACE Post code: 2601
ACF Country: Australia
ACJ Department E-mail Address format: Department E-mail Link
ACW Contacts Web Address: Contacts Web Link
CFI Further Information:

PDE E-mail Address: michael.martin@daff.gov.au
PDF Documentation Officer - Preferred: Michael
PDG Documentation Officer - Family: MARTIN
PDH Business Title: 
PDI Department: 
PDJ Tel Area Code: {61}(2)
PDK Tel Number: 6272-4728
PDL Fax Area Code: {61}(2)
PDM Fax Number: 6272-6448
PDN Mobile: 
PDW Web Address: Tender Attachments
PEW Web Address: Australian Government Locator Service - AGSL
PLW Legislation referred to in this tender may