I Purpose of Document
II Membership of OICY2KCC
III Background to Y2K problem
IV The significance for electronic commerce
V Y2K issues for Associations and similar bodies
VI Steps for confirming Y2K Compliance
A Raise awareness
B Ascertain Y2K status
C Attain Y2K Compliance
D Confirm Y2K Compliance
VII OICY2KCC Membership Application


This document is to outline the issues that the OIC Y2K Compliance Consortium (OICY2KCC) consider important in assisting Associations, Societies, Institutes, Foundations and other Organisations (ASIFOs) to manage the Y2K problem or the Millennium Bug issue for :

  1. their Secretariat operation
  2. providing a service to their members
  3. and linking with their service suppliers and contacts

Further details can be found on the OIC Web site

Membership of OICT2KCC

The OIC Y2K Compliance Consortium (OICY2KCC) has been established to:

  1. provide a uniform methodology to access information on Y2K using the Internet for Association members
  2. provide a list of contacts and exchange information on Y2K compliance issues
  3. develop plans and methodologies to confirm Y2K compliance.

Membership of OICY2CC will provide

  1. regular articles and web page contacts
  2. access to contacts and expertise
  3. access to licence software to gather information on software usage and Y2K conformance with members
  4. access to advice on due diligence issues
  5. the mechanism to provide enhanced member services on the Y2K issue
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Background to Y2K Problem

The background to the Y2K problem is that a number of computer operating systems and computer applications do not know what to do after the year 1999. There are a number of reasons for this including:

  1. Early mainframe software only allowed 2 digits to be entered for dates
  2. Poor application design for data entry
  3. Lack of knowledge and foresight by designers

The Y2K problem is compounded because computer software is embedded in a number of electronic devices used by a wide variety of industries including telephone communications switching systems, electric power systems, water management systems as well as cars, lifts, washing machines, faxes and security alarm systems.

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The Significance for Electronic Commerce

The implications of Y2K for organisations involved with Supply Chain Management and Electronic Commerce are significant. The logistics of Supply Chain Management dictate that the success and efficiency of large organisations is dependent on the efficiency of its smaller suppliers. Small and Medium size business Enterprises (SMEs) are the achilles's heel of Electronic Commerce with the Y2K issue.

Y2K Issues for ASIFOS

The Y2K issues for any organisation include:

  1. Confirm Y2K Compliance within that organisation
  2. Raise awareness of Y2K issue with members/customers/suppliers
  3. Assist members/customers/suppliers attain Y2K Compliance

Steps for confirming Y2K Compliance

The OIC considers that there are a number of steps to manage the Y2K issue effectively for both internal and external use. These steps are:

  1. Raise awareness
  2. Ascertain Y2K Status of hardware and software
  3. Attain Y2K Compliance conformance by supplier
  4. Confirm Y2K Compliance by external organisation
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A. Raise Awareness

There are a number of ways to raise awareness:

  1. Newspaper articles/association newsletters/journals
  2. Radio and Television advertising
  3. Seminars and meetings

B. Ascertain Y2K Status

This is the first difficulty for most SMEs. They may be aware of the issue but are not sure what to do as the next step. This is where the Association can play a more active part. It is proposed that:

  1. a 1800 telephone number, 1800 fax number and e-mail address
    is published by the organisation
  2. the telephone number is manned 16 hours a day by paid employees
  3. a questionnaire is faxed or e-mailed to the enquirer
  4. a report is e-mailed or faxed monthly to the Association
  5. the questionnaire is followed up for response
  6. a list of hardware/software suppliers with contact details is prepared
  7. 3 standard letters with response timetable is prepared
  8. the association/society/institute/foundation publish on its Webpage or in its newsletter status of Y2K compliance by software application
  9. each association & member have a Y2K Compliance manual to show

OIC members are prepared to assist organisations complete the Y2K questionnaire

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C. Attain Y2K Compliance

The difficulty for a number of SMEs is that the hardware/software may have been supplied by a small company that:

  1. has gone out of business
  2. cannot afford the resources to carry out Y2K conversion
  3. does not have the documentation or source code
  4. is trying to upgrade the SME to more advanced software

The OIC has members and contacts that are prepared to assist organisations attain Y2K compliance with their existing software or advise SMEs of alternative cost options.

It is envisaged that the Y2K Compliance Consortium Management Committee would act to ensure that there is a code of conduct and reasonable fees charged by consultants to assist SMEs attain Y2K compliance.

This Management Committee would also endeavour to determine methods of confirming Y2K Compliance.

D. Confirm Y2K Compliance

This is the most difficult aspect for Y2K compliance to ensure that the software is Y2K compliant. Suppliers may give assurances and guaranties but there will be ways of checking and confirming Y2K compliance within each industry group.

It is envisaged that the OICY2KCC will research and advise ways of checking Y2K compliance for its members.

VII Y2K Compliance Consortium Membership

Details are on the Y2KCC Membership Application form.

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