NSW Legislation A BUSINESS OPERATIONS 1 State Owned Corporations Act 1989 2 NSW Electronic Transaction Act 2000 3 Natural Resources Commission Act 2003 B CARBON TRADING 1 Carbon Rights Legislation Amendment Act 1998 2 NSW The Natural Resources Legislation Amendment (Rural Environmental Services) Act 1999 3 NSW Plantations & Reafforestation Act 1999 4 NSW Plantations & Reafforestation (Code) Regulation 2001 5 Crown Lands Legislation Amendment (Carbon Sequestration) Bill 2006 INDEX - based on the Mosman Council Syd Au Model Oct 2007 A Transport [Trp] B Water [Wtr] C Energy [Egy] D Biodiversity [Bvy] E Buildings [Bld] F Waste [Wst] G Community Awareness/Behavioural Change [Cbh] A TRANSPORT a Encouraging community to take public transport b Higher charges for parking SUVs & other high emitters c Education at Household Level d Encourage use of Cycling eg bike paths e Investigate constraints, challenges & advantages f Education for cyclists on road rules